And now our Oscar winners for best original story about scars.
I am sure I left someone off because the list got so long. I will keep this up for two days to give everyone a chance to read through them. Thanks so much for playing at my house. I sincerely regret that my formatting might not be up to snuff.
I will post them by nine and try to add any links that come in later.
Every five minutes a new story will post above this.
Eric Peterson
Keith Rawson
Sandra Seamans
Brian Lindenmuth
Todd Mason
Kevin Barker
Alan Griffiths
Eric Beetner
Jack Bates
Dana King
Chad Eagleton
Matt McBride
Paul Brazill
Anita Page
Fleur Bradley
Salvatori Buttaci
Kathleen Ryan
Katherine Tomlinson
Jimmy Callaway
Rosemarie Keenan
Kieran Shea
Absolutely Kate
John Kenyon,
Chad Rohrbacher
John Weagly,
Heath Lowrance
Gerald So
Cam Ashley
Chris Deal
Al Leverone,
Jack Bates
Evan Lewis
Julia Madeleine
Loren Eaton,
Veronia Marie Louise Shaw
Matthew McBride,
Graham Powell
Rick Robinson
John Norris
Al Tucher,
Malachi Stone
Gary Stevens
Cormac Brown
Rob Kitchin
M.C. Funk
R. L. Kelstrom
Dana Kabel
Jerry House
Wow, great turnout. I will try to get through some of these this evening.
Patti, thanks so much for putting this together. I had a lot of fun writing, and now have the pleasure of reading these fine stories. It's so interesting to see the range of variations on a theme.
Patti - These are great! Wow! I'm floored. Thanks so much for putting this together :-).
The only thing is that my story ends with the line, "Knew I forgot something."
I can see how Patti might have thought that I was talking about the bio that I put at the bottom of the story but those four words are how the story actually ends.
I am separating the stories out, Christopher and I will add that line. I got so many late that I lumped them all together but now I am separating them for easier commenting. What a day.
Thanks, Patti, for a great challenge. You deserve some sort of medal for all the work you did on this one.
You're only going to keep this post up for two days?
57 stories (I think)! Amazing. I know I'll need more than two days.
You're right Patti--not a lame story in the group.
Thanks again for organizing this.
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