Well are you?
Despite my dread/fear of conferences, I am thinking of going again. I have my hotel reservations made.
You can find out more about the 2011 Bouchercon here.
It's certain to be a treat because the amazing Jordans/Judy Bobalik are planning it. The flight prices are good right now. Hotel reasonable. St. Louis-well when Phil went there and visited the courthouse they recruited him to play the baliff in an re-enactment of the Dred Scott decision. With that and the arch, what do you have to lose?
Come on.
I've had my conference reservation, plane, and hotel booked for weeks now.
See you there.
I want to go so bad, but it looks like we'll be in the middle of a move then. The military foils my plans every time...
Have fun, and take some pics.
Not unless I win a big jackpot at the casino or the lottery.
Great, Dana.
I always forget to take pics. Another of my problems.
I think a big win is in sight.
I should try to go. I have family nearby I could stay with.
Come then, Travis. I was hoping for you to turn up in Detroit.
I am definitely going but I haven't booked yet. Just lazy, I guess.
Hope we can meet, Graham.
Seriously planning on it...
Are you staying at the main hotel, the one hosting the conference?
Yes. I think that's the only one with conference rates this time. Some people have told me they got rates even under the Bouchercon rates though. That might have been a while ago though.
Gosh, I wish I could be there. Just don't have the money--even though it's just a short drive from Iowa. Went when Bouchercon was in Indianapolis. It was fun.
We were in San Francisco, but we won't be in St. Louis. Many people said they wouldn't go to San Francisco because it was too expensive, too far, etc. I guess the same applies for us going from Portland. SF was easy from SoCal while we were still there. Besides, with the new house and all the work we're doing to make it "ours", our travel budget is zilch for a year or two. Wish we could be there, just to hang with you and phil, though!
BTW - FFB tomorrow is coffee table books, right?
I wish you were both going to be there. My dream is to meet all the people I know online.
Next year is Cleveland, I think. That's an even longer trip for both of you.
Right, Richard. But if you don't have one, anything is fine. I doubt half the people will remember.
I look forward to meeting you there.
LCC in Sacremento next year is a possibility for me.
WV: Fatrus--Nickname for Limbaugh
Oh, that's great Naomi. We'll have to have a party for those of us who will be there.
Never been to Sacramento. Have to look into that one.
I had my B'con registration completed last year, but only just got my hotel reservations (nearby since I'm a laggard).
Please seek me out. I would like to host a party for people that have participated in FFB if I can figure out how.
Diane and I plan to attend the St. Louis BOUCHERCON, Patti. I'll be recovering from knee surgery, but we've already made hotel reservations. We'll book a flight soon.
I am trying to get a room for a FFB party.
I really would like to go, but the jury is still out on that yet.
I'm going. See you there, Patti.
I hope to see all of you!
I haven't been since it was here in Chicago back in 2005...or 2006. I have to go - St Louis is such a short distance considering. I'll be at Malice Domestic at the end of this month as well. I'm eager to meet as many of you as I can.
Now that I think of it - you and Megan stopped by my table at Chicago Bouchercon and you convinced her to buy a Margaret Millar Dell Mapback because she read so much of Ross MacDonald but you said his wife was just as good. How's that for a flashback!
Holy cow. I remember that.
That was before anyone knew who Megan was and we got to spend a lot of time together.
Sad memories though because of Katrina.
Please make sure to track me down--even if I can't get a room for a party. We can all converge somewhere.
I'm just back from my annual baseball and books sojourn in Florida and the budget is really blown. That puts any thoguht of Bouchercon this year out of mind. However, the only time I attended was in Minneapolis and the decision to go came just as day or so before the convention started. It would be fun to meet the FFB contributors.
Attended a Randy Wayne White signing at Doc Ford's in Fort Myers and made my first visit to the Murder on the Beach bookstore in Delray Beach. It's a terrific independent and I found signed copies of new books by Florida authors Jonathon King and Tom Corcoran there.
I love to find local authors to buy when we travel. Some cities are harder than others but Florida is easy.
I'm going. I went to Indy. Plus, I'm hoping they'll read my name as one of the Derringer nominees. Plus, I'm hoping to meet more of everyone I've only communicated with through the computer.
The year I won one was the year before they announced them there. Darn! Hope to meet you, Jack.
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