Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bill Crider's Shelves

What books are currently on your nightstand?
The stack on my nightstand is so tall that I can't give you the whole list.  It includes The Winter Family by Clifford Jackman, Bum Rap by Paul Levine, Not Even Past by Dave White, Where All Light Tends to Go by David Joy, Summer of '42 by Herman Raucher, Comanche Trail by Ralph Compton (Carlton Stowers, in this case), 1980s Austin Gangsters by Jesse Sublett, The Mercy of the Night by David Corbett, and Sally of the Wasteland by Victor Gischler.  There might be a couple more, but I can't remember them right now.  I have a big nightstand.

Who is your favorite novelist of all time?
Favorite novelist of all time?  Impossible to say.  Way too many of them.

What books might we be surprised to find on your shelves?
You probably wouldn't be surprised at anything on my shelves.  Cold Sassy Tree is there.  So is Gene Autry and the Redwood Pirates.  Are those surprising?

Who is your favorite fictional hero?
Favorite fictional hero?  As with the favorite novelist, too many to name, starting with Odysseus.

What book do you return to?
I return to a lot of books.  Catcher in the Rye is one of them.  Leaves of Grass.  Some of Shakespeare.  The continuing them of "too many to name" fits here, too.

Bio: There's  not a lot to say.  I've lived an ordinary life. Born in Mexia (Mah-HAY-uh), Texas. Currently living in Alvin, Texas.  Taught in high school and college for many years, now retired.  Have written a lot of books, including those in the Sheriff Dan Rhodes series.  Married for 49 years to the lovely Judy, whose death in 2014 I still mourn.  I have two great kids, Angela, an attorney and writer, and Allen, a musician.  I collect old paperbacks and have way too many of them.


George said...

Bill, there's no such thing as collecting "too many old paperbacks."

mybillcrider said...

You have a point, George.

Jeff Meyerson said...

No. But you didn't mention your storage units.

Jeff M.

Anonymous said...

Patti - Thanks for continuing this series.

Bill - I'm with you: I return to a lot of books, myself. And some of those old paperbacks are well worth collecting...

Deb said...

I didn't realize that first photo was a stock picture...I thought they belonged to Dana. I'd love to see a photo of each participant's shelves or how they "live" with books.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I will see what I can do!

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Patti, I like the books on Bill's shelves. Such variety! I like collecting old paperbacks too.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I did too although I am now whittling them down. Just outgrew the space for them.

Rick Robinson said...

This is a great series. I agree with Deb, it would be great to see the shelves that go with the person, but I know this would be harder to do. I assume by nightstand, you mean the top of the TBR stack, right?

Charles Gramlich said...

Interestingly, Leaves of Grass and Catcher in the Rye are books I've read but generally don't care that much for. Always interesting to see different tastes on things.

Kent Morgan said...

Years ago Bill posted a photo of the paperbacks stacked on shelves in his office. Perhaps you could ask him to do it again. After seeing it, it made me realize that my personal "problem" with too many books wasn't as bad. Although when I look around my office right now I know it's worse than it was then. I often wonder if there is an old paperback that Bill doesn't have.

Anonymous said...

Victor Gischler? Bravo! So says former classmate from UWF.

Unknown said...

Not Even Past by Dave White is my current for fun read and I really want to delve into Where All Light Tends to Go by David Joy. That Joy guy is a good kid,