A few funny things from my funny guy.
If you ask Kevin, just turned two, what he wants for Christmas, he says a car wash. We have finally traced this desire to a Thomas, the Train catalog---but did he read it? The picture is not very illuminating and is very tiny. Only the print is big.
I know he thinks this will be big water toy, too.
His trip to Sea World last week can be summed up in one oft-repeated sentence: "I touched the sting ray." Then he flops on the floor and swims across the rug.
If anyone mentions that someone is funny, Kevin will say, "Nana is a funny guy." This makes me think I have to stay up nights thinking of how to keep my reputation as a funny guy going.
Thanks to Chris for the book recommendation, IT'S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT, which I have waiting under the tree. (Still have to track down the Car Wash though).
Is there anything nicer than a grandchild. (Right Terrie?)
You got it Patti!
Hugs to Kevin.
Bolder toddlers seem to prefer me as a human jungle gym...I think favorite comedian might well be a more enviable position.
TM (ungratefully not providing my parents with grandchildren as yet)
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