Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nostalgia Index

If 10 indicates you are consumed with memories of the past, and zero represents the past is dead to you, where would you put yourself on the scale and what in particular ties you to the past? Or doesn't.

I'd say 6.5. And it would be memories of old movies, books and TV shows rather than people or places.

Phil picks 3. I'd better not leave the room.


Anonymous said...

Patti - Interesting question (You always come up with interesting thoughts and questions!). For me, it'd be about a 5 or 6. I try very hard not to be "chained" to the past, but my past has shaped me. You can't get around that.

Anonymous said...

Probably 7 or higher.

I've been thinking a lot about the past recently.

Jeff M.

Loren Eaton said...

I'm with Phil.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'd say a 3 for me. I have moments of nostalgia, but they only come up occassionally and most of the time I'm not thinking of such things at all.

Chad Eagleton said...

I think I probably walk around at about a 3 or 4, but occasionally soar up to 7. My goal, however, is be a 0.

George said...

I'll go Phil one further: 2.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

If and when I think of my past, it's usually a whopping 9.5. I miss the simple and uncomplicated life we led and saw others lead back then, the teleprinter-and-typewriter generation as I call it.

Dan_Luft said...

I was probably a 7 or 8 until about 4 years ago. Then I had two kids which brings me squarely into the present. I've still got a bit though. A one or a two unless we are talking about gas or apartment prices.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I think a lot of young men are very nostalgic for the carefree life they led-the games, the friends, the music, college years especially.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

I'd go for 10 - my past defines me.

sandra seamans said...

Probably a nine. My family was full of storytellers so their stories are always with me when I'm writing. And picking through the past generally leads to a story for me.

Todd Mason said...

I've never lived a carefree life, and despite some health concerns (though I had some of those of a different sort in youth), my life has tended to improve, mostly, as time goes on. I would like more time to read. I probably should've become an academic...or the lawyer or librarian my friends have tended to suggest.

Hm. Nostalgia? Not too much. I haven't quite reached adulthood by the Walt Kelly measure, yet..."Looking back and not counting your mistakes..."

Cap'n Bob said...

10. I like the past because I survived it.

Dorte H said...

While I like the present (knowing I´d have been a kitchen maid or something if I´d lived in the past), I love writing about the past - no mobile phones or dna to spoil the fun - so I often include an old thread in my novels. I particularly like writing about the 50s and 60s.

A 6 or 7 perhaps.

Deb said...

I'd say most of the time between 5 and 6, but every once in a while something (usually a song from the 1970s) can bring back my early adulthood when everything seemed full of possibility and no choices had yet to be made. Generally, a song from the Disco era will bring it all back to me.

James Reasoner said...

I've gotta be 8 or 9 (and that's also my mental age most days).

Kent Morgan said...

I would say a seven because I have reconnected in recent years with several of my high school friends. That number will grow this year because the northern Manitoba town where we grew up is celebrating its 100th anniversary so many are planning to return.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Yeah, I have some nine days myself.
Oh, that would be great fun, Kent. My husband is trying to decide whether to return to his hometown for a reunion this year.