Written by Mary Hayley Bell, Hayley's mother, WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND tells the story of some English schoolchildren who take care of a man they believe is Jesus-Alan Bates plays the man on the run from the law. The music is a knockout, as are the gorgeous setting. I barely remember thi one but I was such a big Mills fan, it sticks a bit.
For more forgotten movies, check out Todd Mason.
'You're not really Jesus, are you? You're just some bloke.' Fantastic film.
Almost put up that clip.
All the kids are great in. In fact all the actors. Always makes me a tad dewy eyed.
Black and white films always seem more real to me. Don't know why. And I am such a Haley fan.
I'm a big Brian Forbes fan. This and Seance On Wet Afternoon are great looking films.
I love Seance. What a great, great movie.
Hard to believe this was 50 years ago. Really liked it back then.
Title sounds familiar but never seen it. Another one to add to the list!
It ate my comment again. I was just saying what a huge crush I had on Hayley Mills back then.
Jeff M.
I haven't seen this film with the nice title and its tugging at my sleeves.
It's a charming movie and I too had a crush on her.
Don't think I ever saw this, Patti. I'm adding it to my list. Jeez, all these lists are slowly edging me out of house and home. Ha!
I saw SEANCE ON A WET AFTERNOON in a suburban theatre in London, alone, in the summer of 1964, and was just knocked out by it. Stark, creepy, disturbing, and beautifully performed and photographed. What a great period that was for British film.
I think this movie is utterly original. I adore it. Then Lloyd Webber turned it into a musical set in Louisiana and ruined it.
Too bad the movie is hard to find on DVD. I lucked out and saw it back in the days of when VHS movie rental stores were everywhere.
I have it set on LOCATE TV in case it comes up. I didn't know about the musical. Ugh.
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