Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Short Story Wednesday: SIGNAL, John Lanchester HAPPY NEW YEAR

 Originally published in 2017, this is its second appearance and an odd story it is. A man takes his wife and two children to visit his very rich friend in his enormous country house. Many other guests are there too. Not much happens except the children seem to wander around in the company of a very tall man who is always on his cell despite no one else seemingly able to get much of a signal. After its last appearance in 2017, there is a variety of readers responding to what they thought the story was about.  Although well-written I did not feel there was much to recommend it. What do you think? 

Jerry House


Casual Debris


pattinase (abbott) said...

I have always meant to read JONATHAN STRANGE AND MR. MORRELL by Clarke

Margot Kinberg said...

Happy new year, Patti!

Jeff Meyerson said...

Happy Birthday, Patti! Many more.

I read another 127 stories (many very short ones by Lydia Davis) in December, 928 for the year. Also finished 48 collections of stories, 8 anthologies and the rest single author collections.

Just started the first Sister Fidelma collection by Peter Tremayne. I read the second one already. Also have a couple more collections to bring to Florida.

Jerry House said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Younger Than Springtime!

pattinase (abbott) said...


pattinase (abbott) said...


pattinase (abbott) said...

Safe travels!

TracyK said...

Happy Birthday, Patti. I think New Year's Day is a great birthday. You are the same age all year long.

Casual Debris said...

Happy New Year to everyone, & Happy Birthday Patti. I have one up for this week:

TracyK said...

I was never interested in JONATHAN STRANGE AND MR. MORRELL until I read THE WOOD AT MIDWINTER. Now I am but the length, over 800 pages, deters me. Maybe my son has a copy I can try.

TracyK said...

I read the story "Signal" by Lanchester at the New Yorker this morning, and I liked it. So I am glad you pointed it out. I was surprised at the ending and I liked the way it was set up. I found a post at The Mookse and the Gripes blog where people were asked what they thought about it, and there were people who liked it and others who didn't. One comment was more about why the parents weren't keeping better track of the kids, which I can see but I still liked it and thought it was very interesting.

Gerard Saylor said...

Happy Birthday. I came to the blog today thinking it is Monday.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Days have lost all meaning by now.