Tuesday, January 21, 2025

On what would have been my 58th anniversary.


The photographer didn't show up so these photos were from my aunt's brownie camera. It was a lovely day for January. We had the reception at Sunken Gardens Restaurant in Philadelphia. They has a house band, which saved us a lot of money.  No honeymoon. Back to school for Phil in a week. And I moved back to my parents until I could get transferred from Bell of PA to New Jersey Bell.


Jeff Meyerson said...

Love those. In the first one, in particular, Phil looks like a baby. You always look young in these. But you were young!

Todd Mason said...

Glad you had those years...and how immediate they can be, particularly with the mementos. (I believe what wedding album my parents had was destroyed in the '67 Chena River flood in Fairbanks, AK. But I still have a woven carpet they were given as a memorial gift, with their names and the date sewn in.) As one who has never married, I'm startled to have had the long engagements with wonderful women I have had. And even the short ones, all those years ago.

pattinase (abbott) said...

He does look about fourteen. Funny he didn't seem that way in person but to me he was the experienced one. That rug sounds precious, Todd.

Jeff Meyerson said...

I have a Kiddush cup that my grandparents got, engraved, on their 50th Anniversary. Then it has my parents' 50th Anniversary. Now ours. My parents had their 65th Anniversary party three months before my mother died.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Happy Anniversary..... Our photographer was a cousin of Sandi's. He took great pictures at the beginning. Then he started drinking as he had a problem that much of the family knew about and we had no clue. As a result, everything after the service was shots of the top of folks heads and ceiling. I used to call it-- A Study in Ceiling Tiles: A Retrospective.

Jerry House said...

Cute couple. It is a blessing that you had so many years together.

George said...

A beautiful bride and a handsome husband!