Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flash Fiction Challenge

Reginald Marsh is a painter I am very fond of. He considered his work to be social realism and most of his scenes were from New York in the twenties and thirties.

You can find many examples of his work if you just google-image his name.

Challenge: Write a story in any genre of under 1000 words based on one of Marsh's paintings. If you don't have a blog, I will post it.

End date: Three weeks from today, October 18th.

I will donate $5.00 for every story submitted to Union Settlement, a social service
agency in East Harlem servicing 16, 000 people, with a minimum contribution of $100.

This agency is near and dear to our family and badly in need of donations in these hard times.

Hope someone wants to play. It's my money, but your talent I'm buying.


Heath Lowrance said...

Patti, you rock. I'm in.

Chad Eagleton said...

I'm in. When does it need to be finished?

pattinase (abbott) said...

18th, Chad.

YA Sleuth said...

I'm in! Great cause.

Gerald So said...

I'm in. Great challenge, Patti.

Roebeast said...

A very good cause and inspirational subject. I'd like to be a part of it.

David Cranmer said...

I may give it a try. I really dig that art.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Where have you been, David? The world always feels off its axis when you're gone.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Okay, Roebeast. You seem too cool for our likes.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Are we limited to the three images on your blog as the story prompt?

pattinase (abbott) said...

Nope, any work by Reginald Marsh is fair game.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Good to know...thanks, Patti.

Cullen Gallagher said...

I just re-posted this info on my blog. Good luck with the Flash Fiction Challenge!

Sandra Scoppettone said...

Count me in.

Unknown said...

I would love to give this a try, especially as it is for a worthy cause. I'm going to be busy with a couple of projects in October, so...

I will go 'google' M. Marsh and see what he can inspire in me.

David Cranmer said...

Working crazy hours, Patti. I hope I will be able to stop by Blogger a little more often.

Charles Gramlich said...

I really like that middle pic of the woman in yellow.

Janet Rudolph said...

Love this challenge. Marsh is one of my all time favorite painters. Used to give my students photos & paintings as inspiration for short stories. Never Marsh. How fun!

pattinase (abbott) said...

He really captured the teaming city of that era better than anyone-the highs and lows, the seamy and steamy of Depression-era New York.

Katherine Tomlinson said...

What a great challenge. What a great cause. I am in.

Peter Rozovsky said...

I like the paintings, and I like the cause. I just may give this one a try.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

pattinase (abbott) said...

Cool, all of you!

Ron Scheer said...

Get the checkbook out. You'll be hearing from me, too.

Yvette said...

This is great. Count me in. :)

JJ Stickney said...

Just the idea I need to get me off the schneid (go Tigers!) - count me in...

Anonymous said...

I would love to do this but if we posted on our own blogs how do we let you know? By the way I think it is a great idea.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Just send me the link on the 18th when you post it. I'll be looking for it too.

Caftan Woman said...

I discovered your blog and worthy challenge through Yvette's "in so many words" and would love to participate.

SueH said...

Directed here by Yvette - count me in for the challenge!

kathy d. said...

This is a great idea. The paintings by March here and at another distinguished blogger's website are wonderful.

I do wonder what everyone is doing,including the woman in the center painting and in another one, what two wealthy women are doing on the subway with a hatbox.

I won't be able to write a short story, but because of your idea, I will sent a donation to this organization in support.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Just send me your link. Thanks, Yvette!

J F Norris said...

Sign me up! I enjoyed the Scar challenge back at the start of the year.

Marylinn Kelly said...

Found you through Yvette's blog and I'm in. Thanks.

Gill Hoffs said...

Hi Patti - great idea! Put mine on fictionaut, here's the link http://www.fictionaut.com/stories/gill-hoffs/the-creature-in-the-coal Thanks for what you're doing - it's wonderful!

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks, Gill. I have it.

pattinase (abbott) said...

And what a great story it is, Gill. So nice to get to know you through that story.

Caftan Woman said...

Patti, checking in with story based on the 1936 painting "Red Buttons".


Peter Rozovsky said...

Patti, my story, called “Smithers Should Have Listened,” is up at http://detectivesbeyondborders.blogspot.com/2011/10/i-enter-reginald-marsh-flash-fiction.html. It’s shorter than the guidelines call for, so if you want to give $2.50 to Union Settlement instead of $5, that would be all right. Thanks for the forum!
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

Thomas Pluck said...

Squeaking in with "High Yaller" ...
My wife lived in Harlem a time, I enjoyed visiting there by Alexander Hamilton's homestead.

seana graham said...

Great idea. Count me in.

Bob The Wordless said...

Had a go.Don't think it'll be up to par,but, I had fun writing it


pattinase (abbott) said...

Seana-send me the link. Thanks. Great, Bob. I have it.
Got it, Peter.

Thomas Pluck said...

My comment didn't seem to stick.
Here's my story...

seana graham said...

This was kind of a mad last dash but here it is. It's still October 18th in California anyway.

It's here:


Anonymous said...

My internet was playing up yesterday so I had to post it today :( but here it si if you still want it!
