I am really excited that in a few weeks, I will be able to take Kevin to the zoo again. With that thought in mind, I thought a new flash fiction challenge might be fun and would also force me to write a story I have had in mind for a few weeks.
The challenge is this: write a story that is set in a zoo. The zoo can be incidental to the plot, but that's the setting.
I am thinking April 2, 2012. How about a story not longer than 1200 words?
I know there are more sites that take flash than ever so if I write alone, I write alone. Let me know.
I'm game!
I'm really going to try this time--maybe a kid's story... Last time I had to bow out because I was too frazzled.
Excited to read this story you already have brewing, Patti.
Would it be okay for me to post this challenge on my blog? The subject will probably appeal to the kid lit writers I know.
We have a month, so I'll see what I come up with. Many flash sites don't ask for first rights, so sharing it here would not preclude you from submitting at a later date to a wider audience.
I love the zoo, and hate it at the same time. The poor caged animals...
I may even write this from the perspective of a gorilla...
For sure, Fleur. That would be fun.
I'll give it a shot!
Okay, I'm in. Had an instant idea for this, which is hopefully a good sign.
I'm jumping in, Pat - where angels fear to tread. :)
I haven't been to a zoo in years and years (I wish it were otherwise) but I have memories.
I think.
I might try to cook something up.
Q: assume you want a mystery/crime/noir story?
Any story is welcome.
Kitty and I once chaperoned a second-grade class trip to a zoo during bear mating season -- the kids asked a lot of questions. Maybe I can get a story out of that.
I'm in. You create the best challenges. And I must say--Kevin's tiger suit is adorable.
Zoos hold many memories for me. I'm in! Hope I can make this one funny for a change.
I'm overdue for a challenge ~ thanks for the push, Patti!
I'm in! Sounds like fun!
Belatedly, I'm in.
I'm in.
Here's mine:
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