A new review on Crimespree Cinema.
Again, a week off on June 17th. Or at least a week away from me.
Please excuse my lack of comments on your blogs. Blogger won't let me comment on my normal computer.
THE SUMMING UP, Friday, May 27, 2011
Yvette Banek, The Burning of Billy Toober, Jonathan Ross
Paul Bishop, Nolan#1 Bait Money, Max Collins
David Cranmer, Spring Fire, Vin Packer (Marijane Meaker)
Bill Crider, Eternal Fire, Calder Willingham
Scott Cupp, The Unnatural, David Prill
Loren Eaton, Black Cherry, Doug TenNapel
Ed Gorman, Lemons Never Lie, Donald Westlake
Jerry House, The Adventures of Gremlin, DuPre Jones
Ed Lynskey, A Cry in the Night, Whit Masterson (Wade Miller)
Randy Johnson, Mad River, Donald Hamilton
George Kelley, The Classic Philip Jose Farmer
Margot Kinbert, The Withdrawing Room, Charlotte MacLeod
Rob Kitchin, The Brush-off, Shane Maloney
B.V. Lawson, The Midnight Plumber, Maurice Proctor
Evan Lewis, "Hunch" and "Death Song" Paul Cain
Steve Lewis, The Saint and the Templar Treasure, Leslie Charteris
Todd Mason, Movies on TV, ed. Steven Scheuer, Roger Ebert's Video Companion, 1996
J.F. Norris, The Flying Death, Samuel Hopkins Adams
Juri Nummelin, Diamond-Back, James Reasoner
Richard Pangborn, Man's Storm, Keith Heller
Eric Peterson, Let it Be, Colin Meloy
David Rachels, Big Man, Ed. McBain
James Reasoner, Negative of a Nude, Charles E. Fritch
Richard Robinson, R. Holmes & Co. John Kendrick Bangs
Gerard Saylor, Power of the Dog, Don Winslow
Ron Scheer, Red Saunders, Henry Wallace Phillips
Mike Slind, No Good from a Corpse, Leigh Brackett
Kerrie Smith, Huysman's Pets, Kate Wilhelm
Kevin Tipple/Barry Ergang, Wilders Walk Away, Herbert Brean
Marijane Meaker, actually. I had to break myself of that habit, too.
Blogger has been acting weird for me all week too - I thought it was just me!
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