James Belushi has surprised me. I've thought of him as building a career on his brother, John's, coat sleeves. Capitalizing on a superior talent he's laid claim to somehow. IMHO.
But I have to admit with a TV series (THE DEFENDERS) and a play on Broadway, where he has had good reviews (BORN YESTERDAY), that he has had a very good career in his own right. People must see something in him that I don't. To me he is the pale imitation. A thuggy obnoxious kind of pretender. I just don't get it.
But that's just me. Whose career has surprised you. Who did better than you thought their talent merited?
I quite like Belushi but I haven't seen him in much.
As usual, I'll bring up Ewan McGregor. He's fine and I like him but he's not that much of anything-although what he 'has' worked well in The Ghost.
Jim Belushi's success is utterly inexplicable to me. Yes, his brother was John Belushi and I suppose in the beginning some of that name recognition rubbed off on him--but that's 30 years ago and Jim will never have to work again because of the (again, to me, inexplicable) success of "According to Jim."
Another success I can't fathom is Ray Romano. "Everybody Loves Raymond" was dreadful, every character was nasty, bitter, passive-aggressive, and worst of all not funny at all.
I agree totally with you and Deb on Belushi, something I've been saying for years. One episode of "According to Jim" was enough to prove it unwatchable; the fact that it ran seven years is almost beyond credibility.
The ones I'd put on the list are the usual suspects (for me): David Spade, Rob Schneider, Jimmy Fallon, Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller.
Jeff M.
That would be my list too, Jeff and Paul. I do think Romano is much more effective in MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE. Ray was too one-dimensional although it did point up some problems with the average family dynamics.
Jim comes across as a regular joe and that appeals.
My votes goes to Russell Brand and Jack Black.
Russel Brand is, I think, someone we're all going to be embarrassed we watched, like old episodes of Mork and Mindy.
Jim Belushi could have been an actor. In his younger days he did a few dramatic roles in THIEF and THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY and he was fine. But his not funny years on SNL, and his forgotten team up with Dan Aykroyd for a Blues Brothers album in the early 90s proves that he WANTS to be compared to his brother.
the show ACCORDING TO JIM just wasn't funny and no one, not anyone really funny, could save it. I've only seen it on planes where you can't run away.
He does appear like a regular Joe but I get this vibe running beneath it that gnaws at me. ACCORDING TO JIM-I have skirted it for years but I get the distinct impression the actress playing his wife is embarrassed to be there. She has a look of torment on her face although I guess the paycheck helped.
Russell Brand-ugh too. Jack Black, ditto. SNL left us with a lot of sub-par acting.
Yes it did, Patti (SNL). Lorne Michaels seems to believe he can take anyone from SNL with a running character and turn them into a movie star.
Remember IT'S PAT!? A NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY? MACGRUBER? It's better if you don't.
As for Jack Black, he can be amusing in very small doses but like so many people should not be starring in movies.
Jeff M.
There are a LOT of actors who I simply will not watch. Adam Sandler is one. Jack Black another. Many others whose names I don't know. Come to think of it, though. All of them are men.
I share Dan's opinion about Jim Belushi. His early work was good, but I got tired of him as the star. He's more palatable as a character actor.
I used to think Robert Urich was the best answer to your question, until I saw Robert B. Parker speak about ten years ago. He said that, aside from a high Q rating, Urich was a consummate professional: always on time, knew his lines, ht his marks, and a joy to work with, so producers and directors were always happy to have him. Maybe Belushi's like that.
To me, the actors who best answer your question were a married couple at one time: Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger.
Never knew they were married. Oh, I bet we can come up with some women if we try. But the men seem to get by on bad jokes more than the women can.
Sandra Bullock. Everyone loves her, thinks she's so precious, blah blah blah. I've never seen her in anything that was remotely watchable.
Patti - John Travolta has really surprised me. He's proved himself to be really versatile...
Jack Nicholson. I think he overacts and does the same character each time. He usually sounds like a total dickhead in real life.
Nobody else has surprised me quite as much as Matt Damon. Seeing him early in his career I thought he was somebody who'd have a nice career in low budget indie movies, but would never really make a big splash. Then the Bourne movies made him into a major league action star, which was about the last thing I ever expected.
I was astonished at Keifer Sutherland's career. His father could act circles around him.
Good examples all around. John Travolta is sometimes good and sometimes not.
Nicholas Cage-just don't get it.
Who did better than you thought their talent merited?
--How many hours you got?
I like Jim Belushi, especially his work in THIEF. It was a very low-key part and he made the most of it.
Jonah Hill surprised me. I thought he was going to be a one trick pony but then I saw him in CYRUS. He has a break out moment where he plays his music for John C. Reilly that gave layers to his character. And, I thought he worked well off Russell Brand's foil in GET HIM TO THE GREEK.
I agree. That was a complex character that he pulled off well.
Renee Zellweger and Jim Carrey dated but were never married.
Disagree on Sandra Bullock; she can be very good or not so good, like a lot of actors.
Cage is just a train wreck. Any talent he may have once had has been frittered away long since.
Jeff M.
Smirking Dwarf Cruise, Travolta (by versatile I assume you mean he swings both ways), Adam Sandler, Kirstie Alley, Will Ferrell, Roseanne Barr, Sinbad, Pauly Shore, Arsenio Hall, Glenn Close, Tyra Banks, and probably 100 others I can't think of at the moment.
Belushi pulls off a smarmy reporter in Salvador.
Not a big fan of Sandra Bullock, nor many of her male peers who seem generic. Can't think of any dude actor quite as over the top as, say, Marcello Mastroianni, Lee Marvin or Richard Burton, can you? Let;s not forget Marlon Brando . . .
Will Ferrell.I just don't get him at all.
Ferrell has been awful on THE OFFICE although maybe the writing isn't there. His movies are even worse IMHO. Lots of good candidates, Bob.
Then there are those who are sometimes good but not always like Al Pacino.
I thought Will Ferrel was great in STRANGER THAN FICTION, which I thought was a fantastic movie.
I agree but that wasn't a typical WF movie. I wish he drifted in that direction more. And his problems on THE OFFICE may well be the writing. I don't think they know what the hell to do with him. Or the show right now.
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