The Summing Up, Friday, May 13, 2011
Yvette Banek, The Bedside Bathtub and Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie, Dick Riley and Pam McAllister
Paul Bishop, Patterson's Volunteers, John Smith
Bill Crider, College for Sinners, Lawrence Block
Scott Cupp, The Helmsman, Bill Baldwin
Jerry House, THE MYSTERY COMPANION, edited by A. L. Furman.
Randy Johnson, Smoky Valley, Donald Hamilton
George Kelley, Three Entertainments, Graham Greene
Rob Kitchin, The Man Who Went Up in Smoke, Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo
B.V. Lawson, I'll Sing You Two-O, Anthea Fraser
Todd Mason, Illustration, Jack Gaughan
J.P. Norris, Play to the End, Robert Goddard
Richard Pangborn, Eoin McNamee's RESURRECTION MAN
Eric Peterson, My Lovely Executioner, Peter Rabe
J. Kingston Pierce, The Kill, Douglas Heyes
David Rachels, Little Caesar, W.R. Burnett
Richard Robinson, Dead Man's Bones: The Air Adventures of Lester Dent, Lester Dent.
James Reasoner, Your Turn to Curtsy, My Turn to Bow, William Goldwin
Gerard Saylor, Running Blind, Lee Child
Ron Scheer, Best Western Stories 3, Max Brand
Kerrie Smith, B is for Burglar, Sue Grafton
Kevin Tipple/Barry Ergang, The Honest Dealer, Frank Gruber
I just notice the Sjowall and Whatever novel. I really enjoyed those when I discovered them in the late '90s.
I've mostly ignored the recent Nordic mystery explosion. Anthony Neil Smith plugged Nesbo and I plan to try his/her books out.
I take it I missed last call.
Last I checked, Tuesday was still up. I will rescue
Still just getting Tuesday when I click your link.
Oh, I hadn't actually done one yet...but I have a sort of one going up now. I've been working all through the hours of Actual Functional Blogspot.
Mine is finally up -- THE MYSTERY COMPANION, edited by A. L. Furman.
BTW, my word verification is CHEDA, which may mean I have a pretty cheesy post this week.
All such excellent books! No wonder I love this feature! 'Course, I love all of your blog...
Mine would be OUTERMOST: THE LIFE AND ART OF JACK GAUGHAN by Luis Ortiz, definitely not forgotten so much as overlooked, though George did it a while back, I think. Even if it is a springboard for thought.
BV Lawson's:
_I'll Sing You Two-O_ by Anthea Mary Fraser
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