From the playwright and fiction writer, David Rabe, comes a story of the long relationship between two men, both with connections to LA and the film industry. They meet in college, and meet up again and various moments in their lives. David Rabe reads the story to great affect on the NEW YORKER site. Their lives have similarities but also great differences. But being of that same generation gives them a jumping off point for disease, marriage, career, friendship, the interests of men. the things that the sixties era wrought. Reads like a memoir more than a story. No precise explanation from me for the title.
This sounds interesting, Patti. And an interesting background, too!
It does sound interesting. I've read his three Vietnam plays (and saw a revival of one) , and we saw HURLYBURLY on its original Broadway run.
Finished the Graham Swift book and I'm reading a western collection by Dorothy M. Johnson, who was recommended here a few weeks ago.
I read the third story in THE HANGING TREE and it was the delightful "I Woke Up Wicked." A young guy tells his story about getting hooked up - accidentally - with a gang of crooks , holding their horse and getting involved with a bank robbery , etc. It's told in a very innocent way that is just delightful. Fun story,.
I went to the link at the New Yorker and read several paragraphs of the story; I liked the writing but the story seemed rambling. I see that he published some other short stories at the New Yorker in 2020. Which I will check out some time.
Aside from that, I was dismissed from jury duty on Monday. We spent all day there, I was one of the first selected to the jury box, but I was eventually dismissed. Glen has to go back tomorrow and we are hoping that the jury selection will be completed and he will be released also.
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