Friday, February 07, 2025


Ran across a journal listing the books I read from 1987-89. I read so much more then. No Internet to suck my time for one thing. I wasn't working full-time and my kids were pretty much grown. I read lots of story collections, lots of mysteries but also lots of more literary books-ones by Faulkner, Wharton, Morrison, Capote, etc. And a ton of books by writers I don't remember at all. Also a lot more non-fiction. Just a lot more everything. 

Has your reading material/interest changed over time? Book groups have changed mine too. 

Here's the first entry from January 4, 1987

We Were Dreamers, James Lehrer

The story of the attempts of the Lehrer family to run a small bus company in Kansas in 1946-47.  PW wrote: "The material is slim and repetitious, and Lehrer lacks the tragicomic touch to give it added dimension." Lehrer was a news anchor at the time. I wonder why I chose this to read? 

I had a rule for myself: One mystery, one literary writer, one collection of stories, one non-fiction. I doubt I much kept to it though from the books in here.

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