Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday, Monday

A hot week that may come to an end tomorrow. Saw THE SUBSTANCE. I am not a horror movie fan and this was an absolute gorefest, but I got enough out of it in terms of the male gaze and even the self gaze to be worth it.


Went to a chamber music concert, which was delightful. I swear there was no one under 65 in the large auditorium. What will happen to these terrific musicians in another decade. Will they play for the emperor?Love the piece they played by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor especially. 

Zuill Bailey, cello; Awadagin Pratt, piano

music by Arvo Part, Beethoven, Brahms. Coleridge-Taylor

Reading REAL AMERICANS still and EVERYTHING I KNOW I LEARNED IN A CHINESE RESTAURANT (a memoir) Both are for my book groups.

I went to a  lecture on SCOTUS at my senior center. The 88 year old professor was a liberal but he made the absurd statement that women who wanted an abortion could merely hop in a plane and go to a blue state. But after November, that's going to get worse according to Project 25. Does anyone believe Harris is going to win? Give me some hope.

If you would still like to hear what the crime writers think about the election and their books, you can watch it on you tube and other places. It was pretty inspirational. Just google Crime Fiction for Harris. Sara Paretsky was particularly memorable.  Cheers to Alafair Burke and Kellye Garrett for putting it together.

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