Saturday, December 31, 2022

Criterion's Room Tone 


Everyone maintains the required silence but one.


Todd Mason said...

Sitting quietly in a room doesn't come easily particularly to those who Aren't used to being on camera...

TM said...

And Happy Natal (even given there are aonther six hours in the common-era year), Patti!

pattinase (abbott) said...

75 ain't fun.

TM said...

All sympathy...58 hasn't been a bed of roses (or if so, the thorns are more prominent than one could hope), and I can imagine how irascible I could be in the foreseeable future.

Treat yourself and let others treat you, if you want to...

Jeff Meyerson said...

Happy Birthday, Patti!

Looking forward to seeing you in Florida in March and then - one hopes - in New York in the Spring.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Happy Birthday!

remain said...

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