Tuesday, December 22, 2015


There are so many good ones. (The one on MAD MEN where Don uses his secretary to cheer him up and then ignores her the next day is one) But one of my favorites is this one from THE OFFICE when the Pam and Jim thing was going strong. The Pam and Jim romance really buoyed this show for many years.

The Office – Christmas Party
Michael turns the office’s secret Santa game into a swap meet because he’s disappointed with the oven mitt Phyllis made him, Jim panics because his very personal present to Pam ends up in Dwight’s hands instead. Of course, Pam eventually sees the importance of Jim’s present and trades Dwight her iPod for Jim’s teapot. They share a typically sweet Jim and Pam moment, but he, of course, removes the love letter he enclosed in the box while she’s not looking.

Runner Up: HAPPY DAYS: First year when the Cunninghams discover Fonzie is alone. Very low-keyed and charming. 

What's your favorite Christmas episode? (And by the way a lot of them are showing on METV if you have it)


mybillcrider said...

"Christmas Story" on the Andy Griffith Show.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I think AGS only did the one. Makes it more special.

Jeff Meyerson said...

The Festivus episode of SEINFELD was probably more realistic than most Christmas episodes.

pattinase (abbott) said...

And actually I spent a festivus evening last night with someone airing their grievances. So very realistic.

James Reasoner said...

Hard to beat WKRP's version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I can see I will be spending time on you tube today,

Gerard Saylor said...

I kinda remember that Fonzie episode.

RFD@15037 said...

I guess this does not qualify as an "episode," but I most fondly remember the marionette specials: Nativity Story and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. I think I might have been their #1 fan in the world. I wish they would be on TV again. But I also suppose it is better that I rely only upon the memories.

Jeff Meyerson said...

In case anyone is interested, CBS is showing that Andy Griffith Show Christmas special on Friday at 8 pm.

pattinase (abbott) said...

DVRing it. Thanks!
The Fonzie episode was just great. Very nicely handled and Winkler was touching without being maudlin.
I don't remember the Marionettes but would like to see it.

RFD@15037 said...

Here is a Wikipedia link about the Bell Telephone Christmas special featuring the Beaton marionettes; I think there are videos throughout the Internet.

Deb said...

Blackadder's Christmas Carol. We watch it every Christmas Eve along with "Bernard & the Genie" (an English TV movie from the mid-1990s with Alan Cumming and Lenny Henry).

Charles Gramlich said...

I always watch the Christmas specials of shows I like but probably don't remember them well down the line.

Jerry House said...

THE WORST CHRISTMAS OF MY LIFE, a three-part follow up to the two seasons of THE WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE, a British sit-com starring Ben Miller. Totally irreverent and totally funny.

RFD@15037 said...

Your posting and the comments suggest a slightly different topic: favorite Christmas mystery. I offer you this as my nominee:
Merry Christmas to everyone!

Rick Robinson said...

We like the SNL episode they repeat just about every year.

Anonymous said...

I think Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing had some great Christmas episodes.

George said...

My favorite Christmas action movie is DIE HARD.