This post takes me over 1000 posts. Yikes. I am doing this too much.
THE SUMMING UP, Friday, Sept 11, 2009 (Includes books from the two-week hiatus)
Paul Bishop, Assignment: Maria Tirana, Edward S. Arronsi, The Chic, Chick Spy, Bob Tralins
Bill Crider, The McBain Brief, Ed McBain; Manhunt is My Mission, Stephen Marlowe. Murder in the Navy, Richard Marsten
Cullen Gallagher, Texas Wind, James Reasoner
Martin Edwards, The View from Daniel Pike, Bill Knox
Ed Gorman, The Dame, Richard Stark
Glenn Harper, The Finner Faction, Bernard Share
George Kelley, The Anthony Boucher Chronicles, 1942-1947, Anthony Boucher; Wettermark, Elliott Chaze, Planets of Adventure, Murray Leinster
Randy Johnson, The Gunfighter, Richard Matheson
B.V. Lawson, First Cases: First Appearances of Private Eyes, Robert Randisi
John Marr, Hanover Square, Patrick Hamilton
Todd Mason, The Craft of Science Fiction, edited by Reginald Bretner
Natalie, The Collector, John Fowles
Juri Nummelin, Striptease Macabre, Leonard Gribble
Scott Parker, Tarzan of the Apes, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Eric Peterson, You Call it Madness, Lenny Kaye
Richard Prosch, Man-Size, William MacLeod Raine
James Reasoner, The Golden Widow, Floyd Mahannah
Mike Ripley, Solomon's Vineyard, Jonathan Latimer
Rick Robinson, Three Times a Victim, F.L. Wallace; Killer in the Rain, Raymond Chandler, Night Ferry to Death, Patricia Moyes
Kieran Shea, Jack Fish, J. Milligan
Kerrie Smith, The Mind Reader, Margery Allingham
R.T. The Patriots Club, Christopher Reich
Forgot me.
well done on a 1,00 posts! That is a great achievement
Congratulations, Patti. You've become an obsessive blogger, just like the rest of us.
You can't spell Mwah! (as in the big blog kiss) without the Roman numeral M.
BTW, while it's still Friday somewhere in the US (such as the states where I was born and came of age), I'm in...with a book so obscure that no one seems to have posted a picture of the hc edition for me to swipe.
wv: gasionsi (I do gasionsi)
1000 posts is an impressive milestone, Patti. I can't wait to see your 10,000th post.
Me too, George. Cause I'll be writing from the great beyond. Maybe Margaret Atwood will loan me her machine.
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