In Mucho Mojo by Joe Lansdale, Hap goes out to pick movies for a double feature for Leonard and a girl Hap likes.
He picks Jaws, which he's never seen and Gunga Din, which he has and loved.
If you were going to enjoy a double feature of a movie you always meant to see and one you had seen and liked, what would you choose?
Mine are: Lawrence of Arabia/Rio Bravo
With Joe Frazier on my mind (even though neither movie is about him) I'd say Unforgivable Blackness with When We Were Kings.
Loved WHEN WE WERE KINGS. Wish they had made a movie about him.
RIO BRAVO is a personal favorite. I can almost recite it.
You've never seen LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, Patti?
I thought you've seen everything.
Jeff M.
LAWRENCE OF ARABIA is one of my all time favorite films, Patti. I'd be interested to know what you think of it - if and when you ever see it. :)
When you see Lawrence of Arabia, bring a canteen. It is sure to make you thirsty.
I keep waiting to see it on a big screen. That may never happen.
It is lonnnnnnnnnnnnng.
I prefer RIO BRAVO myself.
Jeff M.
But at least LOA, unlike WHEN WE WERE KINGS, doesn't grievously insult Miriam Makeba for adorably specious effect. It might have other sins. But WWWK will forever be the film that worshiped every drop of sweat on James Brown while getting borderline racist/almost inarguably sexist about Makeba.
Unseen KONGO, much-admired MARTYRS, for a very disturbing night.
Unseen BLOOD AND BLACK LACE (soonly); the US cut of BLACK SABBATH, for a Bava night.
Unseen WINGS OF DESIRE (just haven't gotten to it) and either ORPHEUS or THE TESTAMENT OF ORPHEUS...
I saw LAWRENCE at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood in it's first run. Wow. It is long, I wasn't expecting the intermission. A fine film, to be sure, and a good one to see large screen if possible.
As for the double header... hmm. How about TO BIG TO FAIL and THE BIG SLEEP
Lawrence and Rio, fun choices.
I actually did do a double date along these lines, seeing Death in Venice and The Damned -- intense and interesting, but not good choices for date movies either one!
No indeed, Erik. I think I saw the same double feature.
I preferred THE DAMNED, by a wide margin.
Jeff M.
I saw THE DAMNED years ago. Intense is a good word for it. Disturbing, too. But fascinating.
DEATH IN VENICE was a real downer.
I'm with Jeff - If I had to see either one again, I'd choose THE DAMNED.
That is heavy going, folks.
I'd re-see SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON, and since I haven't seen the final Harry Potter yet, I'd watch that.
This was not so much a first date as a casual get-together with some take-out and videos, but this first "date" with the man who eventually became my husband involved two videos: "This Is Spinal Tap" (which I had seen, but he hadn't) and "Paris, Texas" (which neither of us had seen). For us, "Spinal Tap" has stood the test of time; "Paris, Texas," not so much.
SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON is another great one.
I imagine PARIS TEXAS would not hold up well. Certain movies seem to have little staying power. They are too much of their time.
The two films I have seen and liked and would love to see again would be a comedy, DUCK SOUP (Marx Brothers) or SILENT MOVIE (Mel Brooks) and a musical (SOUTH PACIFIC or OKLAHOMA!).
Movie I have seen: RAW DEAL (1948)
Movie I always meant to see: ONE FALSE MOVE (1992)
ONE FALSE MOVE was excellent at the time, but I saw it again recently and it has been copied so much, it lost some of its magic. Have never seen RAW DEAL.
ONE FALSE MOVE was a good flick. After seeing that I followed Pullman to TRESPASS.
A movie I always enjoy is Mamet's SPARTAN from '04.
Speaking of Hap and Leonard, I do not understand their intense dislike of GILLIGAN'S ISLAND.
Some people just can't appreciate a series devoted to idiocy, Gerard.
Dang straight.
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