Friday, May 01, 2020

Oakland County Child Killer Murders


Steve Oerkfitz said...

I remember the killings very well. I lived in the Northern Oakland county suburbs at the time. It was on the news pretty much everyday. It's never been closed but they are pretty sure who was involved including the son of a Chrysler big shot. The son was found dead and ruled a suicide by gun even though his hands were both under his blankets when found. A very good book was published about a year or so ago called The Kill Jar by Reuben Appelman. A fictionalized novel called The Snowman's Children by Glen Hirshberg about 20 years ago.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Did you see the five part series last year on WDIV?

Steve Oerkfitz said...

Yes. A lot of that was based on Appleman's book.

Margot Kinberg said...

I remember that case, Patti. And I can see how it would be the inspiration for a novel. Thanks for sharing this.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks, Margot.