Todd Mason will have the links next week

(from the archives) Sarah J. Wesson is a local history librarian by day, writer of con-game fiction by night, and all-around sleep-deprived, chai lat

THE CASE OF THE LUCKY LEGS, Erle Stanley Gardiner
Earle Stanley Gardiner can hardly be called a forgotten author, nor
Perry Mason a forgotten character, the books that first introduced these
icons to the public appear to be fading from memory. Or
at least they are in my library, where most of them have been relegated
to the large print shelves so that the patrons who grew up reading
about the singular cases of the granite-hard defense attorney can enjoy
them without squinting.
The earliest Gardiner in our collection is The Case of the Lucky Legs. First published in 1933, it was the fifth of what would be roughly eighty-two Perry Mason adventures. Stilted
by our standards, with rigid standards of grammar and punctuation,
and---heaven forbid---not a few adverbs, this mystery still grabs the
imagination and keeps it there until the last page.
case starts with a provocative photograph of a pair of shapely female
legs, sent to the lawyer by a prominent businessman, who wants Mason to
do something about a fraud that has hurt a young lady of his
acquaintance. It seems that a movie studio man
has been conning innocent girls into competing in a Lucky Legs contest,
the winner of which is promised a screen career that never materializes. Unfortunately, there is no legal recourse unless the con man confesses.
the televised, post World War II Perry Mason who has entered our
cultural lexicon, the Perry Mason of the 1930s wasn't afraid to get his
hands or his ethics dirty---he basically agrees beat a confession out of
the huckster, though he does pause to square this plan with the county
prosecutor before heading to the man’s hotel. In
the lobby, he bumps into a frightened young lady with good-looking gams,
so it comes as no surprise---to the reader or our hero---that Mason
discovers the murdered body of the con man. Moments
before the police arrive, alerted by a neighbor who heard a woman’s
screams, Mason extracts himself by a bit of slick trickery and gets to
It seems odd that Perry Mason doesn’t set foot in a courtroom in Lucky Legs---he didn't settle into regular trial work until later in the series. It’s clear that Gardiner is till getting to know his character and hadn’t quite settled on his formula. But
Mason does tamper with a crime scene, trap himself in a legal corner or
two, smoke enough to stun a camel, and bring the murderer to justice at
the fifty-ninth minute of the eleventh hour despite numerous red
herrings. Furthermore, his client is as lovely
and clueless as they come and the man footing the bill is an
interfering, opinionated pain in the tuchus. Della Street is smart, sassy, and loyal, while Paul Drake is hangdog, hungry, and resourceful.
These are among the golden elements that have kept Perry Mason going for almost eighty years. They’re
well worth a revival, not only as the prototypes to modern legal
procedurals or slices of social history, but as terrific
I confess that I check out these books fairly often to keep them off the weeding reports. If that's a crime, I doubt even Hamilton Berger, Mr. Mason's D.A. foil and frenemy, could bring himself to prosecute.
Yvette Banek, THE EMPEROR's SNUFF BOX, John Dickson Carr
Joe Barone, SEARCH THE DARK, Charles Todd
Les Blatt, DETECTION BY GASLIGHT, Douglas G. Greene
Elgin Bleecker, THE KILLING, Lionel White
Bill Crider, DESERT STAKEOUT, Harry Whittington
Martin Edwards, NECK AND NECK, Leo Bruce
Curt Evans, MURDER IN PASTICHE, Marion Mainwaring
Elisabeth Grace Foley, TISH, Mary Roberts Rinehart
Richard Horton, STEPSONS OF TERRA, by Robert Silverberg/ A MAN CALLED DESTINY, by Lan Wright
Jerry House, THE GIRL FROM HOLLYWOOD, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Nick Jones, Science Fiction Books Bought Near Brighton Station
George Kelley, MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY, Martin H. Greenberg and Robert Greenberg
B.V. Lawson, DEATH AND THE SKY ABOVE, Paul Winterton
Evan Lewis, RED HORSE, Will Murray
Steve Lewis, DEATH PULLS A DOUBLE CROSS, Lawrence Block
Todd Mason, PULLING OUR OWN STRINGS: FEMINIST HUMOR & SATIRE edited by Gloria Kaufman and Mary Kay Blakely
Matt Paust, RANDOM HARVEST, James Hilton
James Reasoner, HELL'S RECRUIT, Phil Richards
Richard Robinson, THE COMING FURY, Bruce Catton
Gerard Saylor, THE RIVALRY, Norman Curwin
Kevin Tipple/Barry Ergang, DEATH OF A SNOB, M.C. Beaton
TomCat, THE DA DRAWS A CIRCLE, Erle Stanley Gardner
TracyK, TRACK OF THE CAT, Nevada Barr
Zybahn, BOOK OF BLOOD, VOl 1, Clive Barker
Yvette Banek, THE EMPEROR's SNUFF BOX, John Dickson Carr
Joe Barone, SEARCH THE DARK, Charles Todd
Les Blatt, DETECTION BY GASLIGHT, Douglas G. Greene
Elgin Bleecker, THE KILLING, Lionel White
Bill Crider, DESERT STAKEOUT, Harry Whittington
Martin Edwards, NECK AND NECK, Leo Bruce
Curt Evans, MURDER IN PASTICHE, Marion Mainwaring
Elisabeth Grace Foley, TISH, Mary Roberts Rinehart
Richard Horton, STEPSONS OF TERRA, by Robert Silverberg/ A MAN CALLED DESTINY, by Lan Wright
Jerry House, THE GIRL FROM HOLLYWOOD, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Nick Jones, Science Fiction Books Bought Near Brighton Station
George Kelley, MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY, Martin H. Greenberg and Robert Greenberg
B.V. Lawson, DEATH AND THE SKY ABOVE, Paul Winterton
Evan Lewis, RED HORSE, Will Murray
Steve Lewis, DEATH PULLS A DOUBLE CROSS, Lawrence Block
Todd Mason, PULLING OUR OWN STRINGS: FEMINIST HUMOR & SATIRE edited by Gloria Kaufman and Mary Kay Blakely
Matt Paust, RANDOM HARVEST, James Hilton
James Reasoner, HELL'S RECRUIT, Phil Richards
Richard Robinson, THE COMING FURY, Bruce Catton
Gerard Saylor, THE RIVALRY, Norman Curwin
Kevin Tipple/Barry Ergang, DEATH OF A SNOB, M.C. Beaton
TomCat, THE DA DRAWS A CIRCLE, Erle Stanley Gardner
TracyK, TRACK OF THE CAT, Nevada Barr
Zybahn, BOOK OF BLOOD, VOl 1, Clive Barker
Here's mine:Tish by Mary Roberts Rinehart.
And I'm finally up and at 'em:
PULLING OUR OWN STRINGS: FEMINIST HUMOR & SATIRE edited by Gloria Kaufman and Mary Kay Blakely
Patti – Thanks for compiling the list and including my post.
And happy birthday to Martin Edwards!
Nice to have you back, if only for a week.
I'm sorry, Patti, my post is just now up on my blog. I simply forgot. Hey, I'm old. :)
Welcome back, Patti!
Pretty sure The Case of the Lucky Legs was the first of my dad's paperbacks I read. I was probly 8 or 9. Or maybe it was Vengeance is Mine. Don't remember the plot of either one, but the first sentence of Vengeance is embedded.
Awesome post
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