Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Short Story Wednesday


George Kelley 

Kevin Tipple 

Jerry House


Jeff Meyerson said...

Finished the Raymond Chandler/Philip Marlowe collection.
Finished the William Maxwell Collected Stories. His mother's death from the Spanish flu when he was 10 seems to have been the seminal occurrence of his life, which colored everything that came afterwards.
Just about to finish the Charles Ardai collection. I liked his Edgar-winning story, though I found there were too many coincidences.

I have another collection (from the library) by Philip K. Dick, the new Frances & Richard Lockridge collection from Crippen & Landru, and a Terence Faherty collection to read next, plus I have to pick up Carol Sheilds' collected stories from the library. And I really should read another Alice Munro book in tribute to her death t 92.

George said...

I many read an Alice Munro book, too. I've read a lot of Alice Munro over the years.