Friday, May 24, 2024


 One of the many podcasts I listen to is BACKLISTED. On this podcast, they invite a guest to choose a favorite older book and then the two hosts and the guests discuss it (and the writer) for an hour. It takes place in a library or bookstore and there is usually an audience. This week they talked about THE GOOD SOLDIER, chosen by Alex Michaelides, author of THE SILENT PATIENT among others. 

I haven't read THE GOOD SOLDIER in thirty years but their discussion brought it back to me. It is quite an amazing novel. Written in the first person, who's an unreliable narrator, (both a pretty new innovations in 1915) it tells the story of an affair and how it undermines a marriage and a friendship. It is very modern in its depiction of sex also. Maddox intended to title the book THE SADDEST STORY but his editor talked him into THE GOOD SOLDIER, a choice he regretted. He claimed it was to attract readers given the war going on. If you have never read the book, it is very much worth your time. A number of influential writers name it as their favorite novel.


Jeff Meyerson said...

It's been 50 years since I read it, so only the vaguest recollection of the details, but I was very impressed at the time. I also remember finding his relationship with Henry James (as reported in Leon Edel's biography of James) quite interesting, as you would think they had little in common.

pattinase (abbott) said...

They discussed that on this podcast. Leon Edel was a busy biographer of this era.

Gerard Saylor said...

Never read it. I do have a number of older novels in my TBR and Ford Madox Ford is an entry.
The title always had me assuming it is a Great War story.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Nope. That's what the publisher wanted people to think.

TracyK said...

This on my classics club list but I had forgotten about it. I will have to put more effort into finding a copy. There are plenty of editions available but I hope to find one with larger print or maybe go for a kindle edition.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I have so many books on my kindle now, it's virtual weight is getting to me.

Diane Kelley said...

I've had THE GOOD SOLDIER on my shelf for about 40 years. Maybe this Summer will be the one where I finally read it. THE SADDEST STORY might not be a great title for selling a book.