Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Night Poetry: T.S. Elliott


Anonymous said...

Thank you, for this one. T.S. Eliot remains one of my favorites. I suppose that says a lot about my frame of mind.

David Cranmer said...

A continuing inspiration.

Anonymous said...

We had an exchange on Bill Crider's blog on November 5 about the phrase "a penny for the guy." November 5 is Guy Fawkes night in England, which celebrated the uncovering of Fawkes's plan to blow up parliament with gunpowder. When I was a child in England, we'd still make guys (scarecrows) in early November and go door-to-door asking "a penny for the guy." Then we'd take our pennies and go but fireworks to set off on Guy Fawkes Night, which was a great night for bonfires and fireworks. I knew there was an Elliott poem that started with "a penny for the old guy," but couldn't remember which one--naturally, Bill knew it immediately. Incidentally, the whole Guy Fawkes traditional--which lasted over 350 years--has now evaporated from British culture as if it never was.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


pattinase (abbott) said...

When I was there for a year in the nineties, it was still celebrated a bit. We went to a bonfire celebration in York--on that big hill.