Sunday, March 03, 2013


I sit at a window every day here in La Jolla where I look out on the ocean. But I also see a street. On many of the days I have been here, a white van pulls up early in the morning to grab one of the few empty spots. The van contains an expensive bike, a motorbike, a surfboard, multiple coolers, and changes of clothes, a beach chair. And, of course, a man. A man who seems to nearly live in this van because he eats lunch in there, changes his clothes in there and so on. I He seems to have too many expensive things to be homeless, but he is sinister. I watch him enter and exit his van. Does he watch me at the window?

Don't regard any of these details relevant to your story necessarily.

CHALLENGE: Write a story about a man in a white van. What is his story? 1000 words and a finish date of March 13th. Let me know if you're in.

So far the following people have accepted the challenge.

Kieran Shea           Patti Abbott
Kathy Ryan            Yvette Can Draw
Leigh Neely            Dana C. Kabel
Rob Kitchin            John F. Norris
Dana King              Chad Eagleton
Jerry House            Dyer Wilk
Al Tucher                A. J. Wright
Loren Eaton             Bob, The Wordless
Butterfly on the Wall Toe Hallock
Jerry Jerman           

If your name is on here and you don't get to it, it's ok. If it's not on here and you intend to have one, let me know. If you need me to post it, please have it to me by March 11th.


Jerry House said...

My name is down there twice. Does that mean I'm commited to two stories?

John Weagly said...

I managed to get something written. I'm in.

Yvette said...

Should I just post the story on my blog in the morning, Patti?