John Neis
THE SUMMING UP, Friday, July 1, 2011
Patti Abbott, With Extreme Prejudice, Frederick Barton
Yvette Banek, Lullaby Town, Robert Crais
Joe Barone, I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
Paul Bishop, Telling Lies for Fun and Profit, Lawrence Block
Bill Crider, Hunt the Killer, Day Keene
Scott Cupp, Tunnel in the Sky, Robert Heinlein
Martin Edwards, Poison in the Parish, Milward Kennedy
Randy Johnson, The Friendless One, Ray Hogan
George Kelley, Style, F.L. Lucas
B.V. Lawson, Victorian Tales of Mystery and Detectionm, ed. by Michael Cox
Evan Lewis, Doc Savage in Python Isle, Will Murray
Steve Lewis/Geoff Bradley, The Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man, Daniel Stashower
Jack Martin, Kick a Tin Can, Dianne Doubtfire
Todd Mason, The Evergreen Review Reader, 1955-66, ed. by Barney Rosset; Smiling Through the Apocalypse, ed. Harold Hayes
J.F. Norris, The Sorceress of the Strand, L.T. Meade 7 Robert Eustace
David Rachels, Sin Pit, Paul S. Merkel
James Reasoner, Death's Frozen Formula, Brant House, (G.T. Fleming-Roberts)
Richard Robinson, Last Respects, Catherine Aird
Gerard Saylor, Running Blind, Lee Child
Ron Scheer, The Moccasin Ranch, Hamlin Garland
Kerrie Smith, A Great Deliverance, Elizabeth George
Michael Slind, Murder in Mesopotamia, Agatha Christie
Kevin Tipple, Conch Shell Murder, Dorothy Francis
1 comment:
Patti - This part always adds to my TBR way too much... ;-)
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