THE SUMMING UP, Friday, April 8, 2011
Patti Abbott, Julian's House, Judith Hawkes
Yvette Banak, Window on the Square, Phyllis Whitney
Joe Barone, Hardly A Man is Now Alive, Herbert Brean
Paul Bishop, Goodey's Last Stand, Charles Alverson
Bill Crider, The Elmore Leonard Reader, Elmore Leonard
Scott Cupp, Big Rock Beat, Greg Kihn
Martin Edwards, Shadow on the Wall, Henry Christopher Bailey
Ed Gorman, The Broker, Max Allan Collins
Randy Johnson, Forgive Me, Killer, Harry Whittington
George Kelley, Battle in the Dawn, Manly Wade Wellman
Margot Kinberg, Loophole. Robert Pollock
K.A. Laity, Skeem Life, Gary Robertson
B.V. Lawson, This Rough Magic, Mary Stewart
Evan Lewis, Secret Agent X-A History, Tom Johnson and Will Murray
Todd Mason, Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia, John Clute; The Age of Rock, Jonathan Eisen
J.F. Norris, The Naked Sun, Isaac Asimov
David Rachels, Hell Can Wait, Harry Whittington
Richard Robinson, The Star Trek Reader, James Blish
Gerard Saylor, Come Closer, Sara Gran
Ron Scheer, The Taming of Red Butte Western, Francis Lynde
Kerrie Smith, Death in the Back Pocket, Peter Fitzpatrick and Barbara Wenzel
Kevin Tipple, The Jesus Thief, J.R. Lankford
I like the variety of choices - I think I've read 5 of them - and even found a couple of things I want to read.
Good picks.
Jeff M.
I've read one of them. At least.
I must be from another planet. Week after week, of all the FFB's, I've almost never read any but my own. On the other hand, make any list of a dozen movies, and I've probably seen half of them.
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