Sunday, November 19, 2006


Okay we laughed-all four of us and almost everyone in the theater laughed. But more often, we squirmed with discomfort. And when it was done, we mostly felt wrong for having laughed. Is the laugh quotient the only thing that counts in a movie like this? What about the fact that every laugh was at someone's expense and often people who were offering the supposed Eastern European companionship, succor and a platform.
Is the fact that he's spreads the jokes around supposed to make it better? Does being Jewish innoculate him from charges of anti-Semitism? It didn't for us. The scene in the B & B was one of the hardest to watch. Even if he's satirizing East-European attitudes towards Jews, it comes off as nasty.
There was not one witty line in the movie. There was not one salient observation.
The only character that comes off well was the African-American hooker, who is also made fun of because of her weight.
I stopped watching his show because it make me squirm. I should have known the movie would too.

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