Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Novel Thing

Right now I am supposed to be working on a novel for an agent who expressed interest in the project as a novel in stories but didn't think it worked that way. But I am not doing it. I don't know if it is just I am resistant to changing it. Or that I don't know how to change it. Or, that as I look back on it, I don't believe it quite works and so don't want to spend more time on it.
I never wanted to do it to begin with. I don't feel I need to write a novel. I love short stories. I am happy I have had a couple dozen published. That's enough for me.
Or am I just a coward?


Maria said...

Well, you're not a coward. You've been pretty consistent with the "5000 and adios" sentiment.

Those stories are so good, though. You don't have to do it right now, but I hope you do it some day.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to write a novel, don't. If you like short stories, keep at it. You can keep submitting and publishing short stories until you get enough prestigious publications or awards to have a better chance at publishing a story collection, or novel in stories. This is the route Scott Wolven chose, along with Tom Franklin and Christopher Coake.

Granted, they all ended up working on or publishing novels, but they got their start with short stories so it can be done. Write the novel when you feel like you're ready for the challenge, not because you think it's something you have to or are supposed to do.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks, guys.
Hey, Bryon-did you see Little Miss Sunshine?