Monday, July 05, 2010

Monday Mailbox

Books bought over the weekend with George, the Tempter. The John Mortimer one was a gift from the evil one. Phil got fewer books but with higher price tags.

Two of these came earlier in the week.


I probably won't get to these until 202o or so.


David Cranmer said...

Some good reading here and I'm sure you will let us know what you think. George, the Tempter, huh? :)

Ron Scheer said...

Just getting around to reading the ones I bought last time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, George is a bad influence, all right.

In Baltimore for Bouchercon he got up a party to go to the FREE (yes, free) bookstore. I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you about it.

The Willeford is one I've been wanting to read.

Jeff M.

Deb said...

Have you read the first Kate Atkinson book in the series (CASE HISTORIES)? If you haven't, I recommend reading it first. ONE GOOD TURN is definitely a sequel of sorts. There's a third book, WHEN WILL THERE BE GOOD NEWS. All of them are excellent, but they really have to be read in order.

Charles Gramlich said...

ohhh, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Love that one.

Barrie said...

Hmmm....I can see at least a couple in there I'd like to read! :)

Erik Donald France said...

Zoë Heller's Notes on a Scandal is the best book on prep. schol culture I've ever read -- and why I no longer work at such a place! Her descriptions are mercilessly accurate.

Invasion of the Body [Soul] Snatchers, indeed . . .

MP said...

Even with reading glasses, which I don't normally use with the computer, I can't tell what the first one is. You're in for a treat with some of these (the ones I've read, anyway), especially Kate Atkinson. Deb is absolutely right about these books, though. They really do need to be read in order.

Anonymous said...

I liked the first Atkinson book a lot too, and INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS is great.

Jeff M.

George said...

I was just trying to do my patriotic duty to stimulate the economy, Patti. The Canadian economy needed a boost, too. You and Phil picked up some real bargains, Patti!

pattinase (abbott) said...

It reads so well. He had a real gift for words flowing off a page.
I have read the first Atkinson book and I hope I remember it.
I'll try to make it larger.

Dorte H said...

I liked Sacrifice very much.

I think Atkinson is a fine writer, (I loved Case Histories) but I read One Good Turn on the wrong day so it didn´t really work for me.

Anonymous said...
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