Aunt Agatha's Bookstore
The Summing Up, Friday, January 22, 2010: Book and Music Edition
Ace Atkins, The Drowner, John D. MacDonald
Paul Bishop. Early Autumn, Robert Parker
Paul Brazill, The Post Punk Peter Hamill, Richard Sanderson
David Cranmer, Lars Gullin
Bill Crider, Nervous Norvus
Mike Dennis, Street 8, Douglad Fairbairn
Martin Edwards, "What Am I Doing Here" Burt Bacharach and Hal David
Cullen Gallagher, The Avenger #27: The Purple Zombies, Kenneth Robeson (Ron Goulart)
Ed Gorman, The Ham Reporter, Robert J. Randisi
Jerry House, No Man's Land, Eric Bogle
Randy Johnson, Running Jumping Standing Still, Spider John Koerner and Willie Murphy
George Kelley, Goffin and King: Song Collection, 1961-67
B.V. Lawon, The Man Who Didn't Fly, Margot Bennet
Evan Lewis, The Silver Beatles
Julie Lewthwaite, The Man Who Was Magic, Paul Gallico
Todd Mason-see here.
Kent Morgan, Spotlight on Jacy Parker
Scott Parker, Apparat Organ Quartet
Eric Peterson, Mark Pickerel and His Praying Hands: Snake in the Radio; Patricia Vonne
James Reasoner, Michael Murphy and Steve Fromholz
Rick Robinson, The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny
Kerrie Smith, The Strange Story of Linda Lee, Dennis Wheatley
Cathi Stoller. The Work of Irwin Shaw
Dave White, LA Requiem, Robert Crais
Oops. That's Eric Bogle, Patti.
& Me. The "Silver" Beatles. Thanks!
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