I am finally facing the fact that summer is over. Damn! It never seemed like summer at all.
At the beginning of summer, I bought a floppy green hat to wear in the sun. Never wore it once.
What didn't you do this summer that you intended to do? I have a horribly long list but I'll settle on wearing that green hat.
Write: my own fiction, my own stories, my own book. I just read, read, read, and blogged, blogged, blogged. Fun to do but not forward progress with my own work.
I'm going to match you by saying I didn't work much on my novel. I have ten pages to finish it--but no enthusiasm. I love writing stories-hate novels.
Yeah, me three. I did a lot of writing, but haven't started a new novel like I'd planned.
I'm still hoping to finish a first draft before the end of the year...
I see a pattern emerging.
That's James Stewart but who is she?
I made progress on the I wanted to do but didn't get as far as I wanted. STill, it was a pretty good summer for me.
Biggest regrets: didn't use my Bolex camera once, didn't write enough stories, didn't finish the album I was recording, and didn't notate the songs I was writing.
Wow. I'm disappointed.
Did not finish (or, in all honesty, did not start) cleaning out a spare room which has gradually become the family's music room while still remaining the "catch all" room. To say it's a mess is putting it mildly.
Ah well, there's always Christmas break.
Cleaning-I did get rid of a lot of stuff we didn't use-so on that score--but never went on a picnic, never went swimming, never sat on a beach...I was thinking of more decadent stuff than most of you, I think.
i wanted to camp on the beach on Assateague Island again.
it was great to meet you guys in Indy.
It was great meeting you, Kieran.
Assateague Island-off to look that up.
I didn't walk enough, exercise enough, lose any weight, swim enough (only once all summer!) and I NEVER can say I read enough books, even when I always have one with a book mark in it.
Does anyone swim anymore? I mean for pleasure-- out of doors. Did AC ruin that?
I swim all the time in our outdoor community pool. My son loves it, too. This year, we went lifeguard-less so we were not constrained by certain hours on certain days. We felt like swimming, we'd bike on over and splash in. It's the one place where you can feel like you're flying...
I was hoping to read Proust this summer, but never got around to it. Maybe next year... This will be my third run at IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME. I struck out the first two times, Patti.
My son and his son swim at an indoor pool Saturday mornings. But I think it's more duty for my son than joy. Now when the two year old can play tennis-that'll he'll like more.
I don't even feel guilty about not reading Proust. Trollope, yes, Proust, no.
Ugh -- I didn't do ANYTHING this summer. Kat had back surgery, we lost a pet, and next thing I know, it's freakin' snowing. But to pick one thing? Never made it out to Two Lights Lobster Shack for a lobster roll and the best damn view in Maine.
What I wouldn't give for a lobster roll about now. Never got east this summer unless you count Charleston in May. If I lived in Portland, I'd be in heaven.
Didn't forget a thing - did I?
Grill lamb.
Ray-maybe summer in England was better than summer in Michigan.
Barrie-have never grilled lamb. And now it's too late unless I live in San Diego where all things are possible.
Get warm to my marrow was one thing I did not accomplish this *ahem* summer.
Scott and Trawis stole my line!!
But after my autumn holiday last week where I wrote five flash stories in five days my conscience is somewhat better :D
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