Steve Weddle recently posted a link on facebook to this. (People of Wal*Mart) and suggested along with Keith Rawson) that Aldo, Gerald and I host a flash challenge using this site as our inspiration.
What I would like to propose is a 750-800 word story that is set, or at least partially set, in a Wal*Mart Store.
It could also be a story that refers to such a store in a meaningful way. If you take exception to Walmart, name it something else. We'll know what you mean.
Post the story on your own blog or on Aldo's Powder Burn Flash . I'm thinking of November 30th. Please don't post your story ahead of time--it throws things off. Let Aldo know if you want him to post it. Let Gerald or me know if you're "in" as soon as possible.
Walmart shoppers: beware.
I'm in. And I can't imagine my store will be named Wal-Mart.
Four words: "This is my boomstick!"
800 word story in Wal*Mart? Loved to.
I'm in.
Yup, I'm busy as Hell, but I'm still in.
Keith-It's an intention more than a pledge. I don't mean to pin anyone down. Maybe I should say that.
No, no, no. I didn't take it as that at all, Patti. I love doing the FFC's. And, c'mon, 800 words about wal-mart shoppers, I'm so there.
Oh dear! I have been looking forward to this for ages, and now it comes - on the day when my new online writing course begins.
Well, November 30th is in a distant future so I s´pose I am in. (It must be possible to google some WalMart flavour somehow).
Oh I am so in. Love that site!
Nobody should feel they are making an iron-clad promise. I just like an idea of what's coming down the pike.
I started a Malmart short story a while back, this might be the time to finish it. Count me in.
I think people should take one specific photo as their inspiration and include a link to that photo with the story. That's what I'm going to do. So many to choose from!
Well, I hate to make fun of real people--or a specific millieu that shops at stores like Walmart. I don't mind making fun of the store or its policies though. Of course, that would be libelous, I guess.
Eric-Did you use Malmart deliberately or was it a typo. I like the idea of calling it Malmart.
Full disclosure: I shop at Walmart at least once a week (there are two "Super Walmarts" within a ten-mile radius of my home), and I just spent a gleeful few minutes looking at those pictures. It reminded me of one of my favorite lines, from the movie "Bull Durham": "The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness."
Now, where did I leave my skin-tight, hot-pink, three-sizes-too-small latex hot pants?
I hope you were not offended, Deb.
No type-- Malmart, which I stole from the comic book series Teenagers from Mars (they call it Mallmart)-- Which I need to reread and do a FFB on sometime down the road.
typo even-- I could see why you might think that with my typo foot acting up.
I'm in. It's been ages since I've done one of these and it's about time to get back to it.
Yay, Bryon.
I bow to the greatness of this idea. People of W*M is one of my absolutely favorite web stops. I've only tried my hand at flash fiction once. This is just the inspiration I needed to pick up the pen again. Now to browse People of W*M and select my muse!
Glad to have you P.M. Just let me know where you will post. Powder Burn Flash is available to any who choose it.
My fiction joints are getting rusty...maybe this will oil them up a bit I am in...just never in a Wal-Mart if'n ya gets my drift.
I've only been in a Walmart twice so I will have to make a trip to get inspired, Mark. Poems count.
I think Cormac and Chad responded on facebook. And Sandra on her blog.
Patti--I'm not offended at all--I just shop at Walmart. I'm looking forward to reading the stories inspired by the pictures. I'm not a writer, but the image of the woman with the ankle-tracking-bracelet seemed to me to be a great starting point for a story.
Don't think for a second that I'm going to be left out of this.
I'm definitely in.
Hum, a horror short set in Wal mart. I can concieve it.
In many ways, horror lends itself best to Walmart.
Love your quote, "In many ways, horror lends itself best to Walmart." That is hysterical. I'd love to give the contest a try...
The Bently Little book The Store is about a walsmart type store that is evil. It's worth checking out of the library.
Great, Kathleen. It may be horror for me. I guess I need to walk through the place. None near me for some reason.
I'm in. BTW: It's no longer Wal*Mart but Walmart (one word) now.
I'll give it a go!
Katt Dunsmore
I'm in. QA buddy of mine who runs a theatre in Berkley and I discussed doing a People of WM stage play a few weeks ago.
Jack-Is that Berkley, Michigan, if so let me know if you do it.
I'm going to compile a list because I think I am missing a few people who responded on facebook. Not that it matters, I guess. Just send me your link or let Aldo know.
Patti, are you psychic? Or did you already know that Wal-Mart is going to start selling caskets and urns? Gotta be a story there.
Guess what? I just heard a story on the radio that Walmart is now stocking caskets in some of the stores. Hmmm. Thought it might help with plot ideas.
The perfect way to celebrate the holidays. I'm there.
Great, Cindy. Just let me know where it will appear.
R2-Cuts down on the funeral expenses, I guess.
I plan to contribute also. It's a great idea.
Great, Al!! Posting on PBF?
I'm in, Patti! What a cool project - I have just the idea...!
Great, Kate. Just let me know the url unless Aldo is posting it.
Yes, PBF on Nov. 30.
What R(squared) said, and yep, I'm in. I'm three rewritten sentences away from finishing, because I wanted to get it out of the way. Right now I know far more about Walmart and denture products than I ever cared to know.
Dentures, caskets, this should be interesting.
Count me in.
Great, Stephen.
I'll try it!
Great, Kaye. Just send me the url.
If it's not too late, I'd like to throw my hat into this ring.
If it's not too late, I'd like to throw my hat into this ring.
Hi Jimmy-Just let me know where you will post it. Great to have another story. Should be great fun.
Hi Patti,
If it's not too late can I please enter?
This will be my first FF Challenge and, if it's all right with you, I'll post my effort on my Brit Grit blog on the 30th.
Best Wishes.
Ah, what the hell. Count me in. I'll put it up on my blog http://danielboshea.wordpress.com/
Dan O'Shea
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