Monday, January 28, 2008

Patry Francis and The Liar's Diary

I don't know Patry Francis personally. I know her name from "Killer Year," from blog traffic, from her own blog, from favorable mentions of The Liar's Diary.

From the movies and books she lists as favorites on her blog, I know we're a lot alike. We may even be of a similar age, coming to writing later in life--or at least to writing a novel. There's something that catches in your throat when you weigh the chances of getting a first book onto a shelf at this age. But Patry did it.

It's evident from her blog, from her trailer, from all of it, that she throws herself into whatever she chooses to pursue. I hope I meet Patry Francis one day.

As I was thinking about Patry last Friday, I went into a Borders and saw The Liar's Diary on the sale shelf. It was the hardback version, making way for the newly issued paperback today. Not wanting to carry it into the restroom (you know what they do to people who do that) I let it rest on the sales' table. Twenty minutes later, after browsing and such, I came back for it. It was gone. Someone else knew about Patry Francis.

I hope you know about her too. Her book is availabe in paperback this week. Buy it. Don't put it off like I did because she's going to sell a lot of copies. You don't want to be without yours.


Carolyn Burns Bass said...

If you and Patry are of similar age and interests, then we too must be cut from similar cloth. Stop by and say hello some time.

Modern Matriarch said...

I, too, was moved by Patry's story. I am proud to be part of such a sympathetic community.