Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Favorite Movies of 2013



My favorite movie of 2013


Anonymous said...

Nice list. Of course, we haven't been to the movies in months because of Jackie's surgery but hope to catch up with many of these in Florida. The only one we've seen was MUCH ADO, still my favorite Shakespeare and a nice version.

I miss black & white movies.

Jeff M.

pattinase (abbott) said...

You should be able to catch up with many of these since they will be nominated for Oscars. Gee, I had no idea recovery from it would be so long. So sorry!

Charles Gramlich said...

Didn't see any of these. I hardly remember what I saw in movies this year. Gravity was the only movie we saw at the theater. Lana and I both liked it. I liked Pacific Rim pretty well. Did John Carter come out this year? If so, it was my favorite movie.

Steve Oerkfitz said...

Saw about half of these. I would have to list Inside Llwellyn Davis and Wolf of Wall of Wall Street(my favorite this year). Would include Mud, Nebraska, American Hustle and Gravity. Didn't get to see the Robert Redford, it disappeared pretty quick from theaters.
Her, which is making most best of lists, hasn't opened in Detroit yet.
Jeff-Nebraska is in black and white.

TracyK said...

Looks like a nice list. We don't see movies in the theater so wait until on DVD or otherwise available. Looking forward to Much Ado About Nothing and Before Midnight.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Have not seen Wolf or Lewin. NEBRASKA would be 11.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Patti, I haven't seen any of these films. This year I liked CAPTAIN PHILLIPS. It was a different kind of a film.

J F Norris said...

Not sure I'll see many of thesee -- not even as DVD rentals. MUD and BEFORE MIDNIGHT are in my Netflix queue. In the theaters I'm only interested in HER, PHILOMENA, AMERICAN HUSTLE and maybe INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS. Kind of iffy about the Coen brothers movie. Aside from TRUE GRIT I've hated everything they've done since O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? Especially the very unfunny and supercilious BURN AFTER READING.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I was disappointed in AMERICAN HUSTLE. It felt so familiar but I am going to see it again to be sure. HER is not here yet.