Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Forgotten Movies: ACCIDENT

Dirk Bogarde was a real favorite of mine. And when you throw Harold Pinter and Joseph Losey into the mix...well, it's gonna be interesting.

In this film, a professor, feeling at odds with his middle-class, middle-aged life, becomes involved in the lives of his students. And one, in particular. This became a cautionary story for me when marrying a professor.

That panicky air British films of this era have always make my heart pound. Was it the music?

For more forgotten movies, see Todd Mason.


Anonymous said...

Patti - Ah, yes, Harold Pinter! Thanks for reminding me of him...

Todd Mason said...

The music doesn't hurt. The perfervid failure to stereotypically tamp down emotion in officially approved Brit style.

George said...

Pinter knew how to tap into professional angst. David Mamet's Oleanna covers some of the same ground.

Charles Gramlich said...

Never saw this one but it looks pretty interesting.

Yvette said...

This is the sort of movie that gives me heart burn. Not that that's always a bad thing.

But I agree with your idea that Brit films of that era had a panicky tone.

Ron Scheer said...

You are right. That was a heady combination; shamelessly British (if you can use those two words to modify each other).

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

I haven't seen ACCIDENT though TCM keeps showing it. In most films about teacher-student affairs, the professors are usually men. There are quite a few such movies. Perhaps, it's more convincing than the other around.

Todd Mason said...

The other way around definitely occurs as well. Arrogance will out.

Deb said...

This movie contains one of my favorite "academic" jokes (and I'm paraphrasing because it's been a while):

There's a scene where a group of British professors are discussing a recent incident in an American university where two students in a Latin class were discovered to be "fornicating."

Professor 1: "I am surprised."

Professor 2: "That American students were fornicating?"

Professor 1: "No, that American students learn Latin."

Perfectly snobbily British.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Great. And I certainly did not remember that! Good show!

Erik Donald France said...

I love Dirk Bogard! He was a decent writer, too.

Must check this one out . . . sounds cool.