The Spring Issue of Dark Valentines is available here.
Check out my review of UNKNOWN at Crimespree Cinema.
Want to do the RIGHT THING and win some books. Check out Margot Kinberg's efforts to raise funds for the NZ Red Cross.
The Summing Up. Friday, March 4, 2011
Patti Abbott, The Beast Must Die, Nicholas Blake
Joe Barone, The Last Dance, Ed McBain
Eric Beetner, You'll Get Yours, Thomas Wills
Paul Bishop, Scend of the Sea, Geoffrey Jenkins
Paul Brazill, A Star Called Henry, Rodney Doyle
Michael Carlson, The Cold Case, Philip Gourevitch
Bill Crider, File on a Missing Redhead, Lou Cameron
Scott Cupp, Pilgrimage, Zenna Henderson
Martin Edwards, The Lenient Beast, Fredric Brown
Jen Forbus, Shibumi, Trevanian
Cullen Gallagher, Murder on the Aisle, Ed Gorman
Ed Gorman, Night Squad, David Goodis
Randy Johnson, The Night Riders, Ridgewell Cullum (Sidney Groves Burghard)
George Kelley, To the Galactic Rim, A Bertram Chandler
B.V. Lawson, Final Proof, Marie R. Reno
Evan Lewis, The Adventures of Jim Bowie, Lewis B. Patten
Steve Lewis, I Could Have Died, George Bagby
Todd Mason, The Compleat Ova Hamlet, Richard Lupoff
J.F. Norris, The Dead Lie Still, William L. Stuart
Richard Pangborn, Blood Hunt, Neil M. Gunn
David Rachels, Portrait in Smoke, Bill S. Ballinger
James Reasoner, Serrano of the Stockyard, Anatole, Feldman
Gerard Saylor, The Delicate Storm, Giles Blunt
Ron Scheer, This House of Sky, Ivan Doig
Kerrie Smith, Ms. Murder, edited by Marie Smith
Kevin Tipple, Burn, Jonathan Lyons
Yvette, Black Hearts and Slow Dancing, Earl Emerson
I just don't know what I'd do with Friday mornings without Friday Forgotten Books! Though I couldn't participate again this time, I'm so very grateful for the contributions of the others and for the work you, patti, put into hosting, compiling, posting.
Thanks you, thank you, thank you!
We'll be here when you get back to speed, Rick.
I'm off to check out the NZ relief link.
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