Friday, February 25, 2011

The Summing Up. Friday, February 26, 2011

A review of Cedar Rapids can be found on Crimespree Cinema.

Hey, guys, it would really help if you could shoot over the URLs for your flash stories before Monday morning. Or at least confirm (or deny) one will be appearing and I will put up your general URL. I am getting spooked about sorting this out.

The Summing Up. Friday, February 26, 2011

Patti Abbott, The Franchise Affair, Josephine Tey
Paul Bishop, Blood on Frisco Bay, Jay Flynn
Paul Brazill, The Unbearable Lightness Of Being In Aberystwyth, Malcolm Pryce.
Bill Crider, Never Live Twice, Dan J. Marlowe
Scott Cupp, Moondust, Thomas Burnett Swann
Martin Edwards, Shot at Dawn, John Rhode (Major Cecil Street)
Ed Gorman, A Night for Screaming, Harry Whittington
Jerry House, All About the Future, edited by Martin Greenberg
Randy Johnson, Final Notice, Jonathan Valin
George Kelley, Doctor Who-The Scripts, Tom Baker (1974-75)
Rob Kitchin, Miami Blues, Charles Willeford
K.A. Laity, Beowulf
B.V. Lawson, Morse's Greatest Mystery, Colin Dexter
Evan Lewis, The Buffalo Box, Frank Gruber
Steve Lewis, Tiger by the Tail, Lawrence Goldman
Julia Madeleine, The Executioners, John D. MacDonald
Todd Mason, Alfred Hitchcock's Monster Museum, Robert Arthur, editor
John Norris, Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey, August Derleth
Richard Pangborn, Skeletons, Glendon Swarthout
David Rachels, Tough Luck, Jason Starr
James Reasoner, Phalaxes of Atlans, F. Van Wyck Mason
Ron Scheer, A Tramp Across the Continent, Charles Lummis
Kerrie Smith, Died in the Wool, Ngaio March
Kevin Tipple, Cruel Cuts, John Richard Lindermuth
Yvetter Can Draw, Harmony in Flesh and Black, Nicholas Kilmer

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