Check out my review of Barney's Version on Crimespree Cinema.
THE SUMMING UP, Friday, February 18, 2011
Joe Barone, The Way Through the Woods, Colin Dexter
Paul Bishop, The Sinners, Edward Aarons
Paul Brazill, The Long Firm, Jake Arnott
Bill Crider, The Mechanic, Lew John Carlino
Scott Cupp, Fifty Years of Playboy Cartoons, Gahan Wilson
Martin Edwards, Three a Penny, Anthony Gilbert
Randy Johnson, Mayenne, E.C. Tubb
George Kelley, The Eustace Diamond, Anthony Trollope
B. V. Lawson, The Edgar Winners, edited by Bill Pronzini
Evan Lewis, Mike Hammer: The Comic Book, Volume 2, Mickey Spillane
Steve Lewis/ William Deeck, The Man in My Grave, Wilson Tucker
Steve Lewis.Barry Gardner, An Uncommon Murder, Anabel Donald
Julia Madeleine, Street Raised by Pearce Hansen,
Todd Mason: Short Stories: The Second Coming, Joe Gores; Pacifist, Mack Reynolds, The Genius, Donald Barthelme, The Meeting, Frederik Pohl and C. M Kornbluth (and others by Joanna Russ and others) and various stories from THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASTIC, BEYOND, and FANTASTIC UNIVERSE...
John Norris, The Fifth Tumbler, Clyde Classon
Richard Pangborn, The Eye of the Tiger, Wilbur Smith
Eric Peterson, Dead Skip, Joe Gores
David Rachels, Sinner Take All, Wade Miller
James Reasoner, The Pirate of Panama, William MacLeod Rains
Richard Robinson, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Raleigh Legacy, L.B. Greenwood
Kerrie Smith, Scene of the Crime, John Creasey
Kevin Tipple, The Rogue's Game, Milton T. Burton
Yow...sorry about your know you have my sympathies.
Mine is so all over the place that I think you could be forgiven calling it just Short Stories, but here's how I might put it at length:
Short Stories: The Second Coming, Joe Gores; Pacifist, Mack Reynolds, The Genius, Donald Barthelme, The Meeting, Frederik Pohl and C. M Kornbluth (and others by Joanna Russ and others) and various stories from THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASTIC, BEYOND, and FANTASTIC UNIVERSE...
Thanks for having me Patti :)
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