My husband has the larger desktop computer. As soon as he scoots, I head into his room to take advantage of the larger screen. I leave myself little notes on his desk-stick-ems. They accumulate. He keeps buying me tablets to use for my notes, but still I grab those 2x3s to put book titles and such on. Now we can't remove the stick'ems from his desk entirely (already thought of that solution) since he uses them to mark off pages he's going to write about.
After a few days, and I swear they grow even if they're not fed, there are dozens. Fridays are especially bad--guess why.
Okay, what drives the person you live with crazy about you? Or vice-versa. (Phil never met a drawer that needed closing).
My wife's worse habit is...(drum roll)...perfection.
Mine are too numerous, and too embarassing, to mention.
Our rule: one person, one computer (we also follow that with cars). You should ask Santa to bring you a new computer, Patti, and let Phil use the old one. My worst habit (according to others): being right 90% of the time (my friends and family HATE that).
Um, my wife won't be reading this, will she?
It all has to do with the television. She loves the TV, loves to watch TV, have it on as background. Me, I'd turn it on once or twice a week at most but it's on every night. She says he wants to watch the news, then it's the next show, and the next. I want to READ and I can't do that with the dang squawk box going. So I go to another room and then she turns the thing off and says she didn't mean to "drive me from the room".
Yeah George, I hate you for that too.
We have just one computer here, not counting Wife's work laptop, which has so many layers of password security and randomly generated number verifications that I'm not allowed to touch it, which is fine. It just means the one here (the one with the 27" screen, Patti) gets used by both. Except all she does is check her email and sometimes shop on it, so it's okay.
Perfect wives. A nice concept. There are a number of people in my family who always have the TV on. My mother especially watched 12 hours a day-mostly news but still. I fight against this-never put it on till nighttime and try to limit it to an hour or two. My husband always has to have "music" on-that gets annoying, too, sometimes. I love quiet basically.
90@ of the time speaks to humility. If you move up to 95, watch out.
Phil's is bigger and the only one hooked up the the Internet. Now if I was hooked up all day...well you know what would happen. THIS.
Oh, me? I am sure I am so picture-perfect that that is driving them crazy. If there is anything else, I really don´t remember.
But my family tend to leave a trail (I almost wrote trial, wonder why) of open doors, read books, too hot sweaters and empty glasses behind them.
And don´t ask them. What I say is absolutely true (as far as I remember) ;D
Now that my children are on their own, they are quite neat. I wonder if my husband was on his own, he would change. I can just imagine his second wife saying, what a great drawer closer he is.
I'm cranky in the morning; my husband is cranky when he can't find something (which is all the time). He makes me coffee in the morning, and I help him find his keys and wallet--maybe that's why we've been married so long :-)
Can you believe this? I just went and asked my better half what habit of mine drives him crazy, and he said, "Nothing you do drives me crazy." Wow.
I have a bad habit of being messy. He is ultra clean. The yin and yang of us must work. It's been working for 18 years.
EO-Discretion goes a long way in marriage. Fleur-we are lucky in that we both wake up chatty and neither of us can find a thing. Once I remembered everything but age has mellowed me.
I can do one thing at a time and only one thing. If you try talking to me when I'm doing whatever it is I'm engrossed in, you might as well be talking to the wall. Those around me are constantly talking to a wall, followed a little later by the question, 'what was that?' and having to repeat everything (anyone who knocks on my office door at work is nearly always greeted by me staring at the computer screen and muttering 'You're going to have to let me finish this sentence'). I'm sure people will say that I do a gazillion other things that drives them nuts, but that must be near the top of the list.
Our house is large enough so when my wife wants to watch a TV program I'm not interested in, I can go to another room to read or listen to music. But, like you Patti, I mostly prefer silence.
Rob-I think studies show that almost all men are single task oriented and women learn to multi-task in early motherhood.
I like music, Katie, but not when I am trying to do something at the same time. Flipping through magazines, I can listen to anything.
My worst habit is blogging. That pronouncement has been directed at me on more than one occasion (from some surprising sources). At any rate, perhaps it is true. Perhaps others are habituated to blogging, which becomes fodder for criticism from others.
Hadn't even considered that one. But it is probably the biggest time suck of all.
According to my husband, my worst habit is that I worry about everything all the time.
According to me, my husband's worst habit is that he never worries about anything ever.
And so it goes...
Deb-actually that is my worst habit, too. Just didn't like to admit it.
Deb-actually that is my worst habit, too. Just didn't like to admit it.
That I am so frequently foolish when it comes to others. I am often accused of being a KIA (the less lethal kind) but often an undercurrent of how does such a smartass do such a stupid thing seems to be implied. Hey, never made any claims, and at least one inventory test I took once suggested that if it's a task that requires me to simply think, I was off the top of the scale, while if it required interacting with the outside world, I fell solidly into the "Bright Average" class. I often wondered why people assumed I wasn't intelligent when they didn't know me, before that.
What is KIA?
Commonly, Killed in Action. In my compass above, Know-It-All.
wv: comumbl (mutual mumbles.)
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