Beyonce reading.
The Summing Up, Friday, February 5, 2010
Milton T. Burton, The Stars My Destination, Alfred Bester
Paul Bishop, Blue Line Murder: Johnny Canuck, James Moffat
Paul Brazill, Rat Pack COnfidential, Shawn Levy
Bill Crider, Never Say No to a Killer, Jonathan Gant (Clifton Adams)
Loren Eaton, The Death of Grass, John Christopher
Ray Foster, Young Love, Johannes Allen
Ed Gorman, The Scarf, Robert Bloch
Randy Johnson, Lord Kalvin of Otherwhen, H. Beam Piper
George Kelley, The Getaway Man, Andrew Vachss
B.V. Lawson, Picture Miss Seeton, Heron Carvis
Evan Lewis, Doc Dillahay (Six-Gun Doctor) Paul S. Power
Steve Lewis, Detour, Matrin M. Goldsmith
Todd Mason, Razored Saddles, edited by Joe R. Lansdale and Pat LoBrutto
Kent Morgan, Crazy Heart, Thomas Cobb
Eric Peterson, Another Fine Myth, Robert Asprin
Matt Benyon Rees, Maigret Goes Home, Georges Simenon
James Reasoner, The Lone Ranger, Fran Striker (Gaylord Dubois)
Rick Robinson, Bullet for a Star, Stuart Kaminsky
Kieran Shea, The Driver, Alexander Roy
Kerrie Smith, The Chelsea Murders, Lionel Davidson
George Wier, The Lost Ones, Ian Cameron (Gordon Payne)
Ed Gorman's book isn't by Lawrence Block, but by Robert Bloch. Though I doubt either man would be insulted by the confusion.
And, fwiw, James Reasoner makes a point of noting that Fran Striker didn't write that particular LONE RANGER novel...
And my little tome is missing.
I had momentarily forgotten about Lawrence Blochman, who can muddy quick memories further...
I'd like to put this up one week when I didn't miss anyone or spell any names incorrectly. Rushing is the problem.
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