Sunday, July 26, 2009

WRITE WITH FIRE, Charles Allen Gramlich

Charles Gramlich, a good friend of this blog and Friday's Forgotten Books is a psychology professor and a writer of many novels in the Talera series of fantasy novels. He's just published a book on writing that looks like sure-fire addition to my shelf of them.

You can find him here and in Abita Springs, LA. with his lovely wife, Lana.


Joe Barone said...

At the risk of sounding hypocritical (given what I wrote on my blog yesterday), I sure like the title of this book.

Charles Gramlich said...

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad folks are liking the title. I discarded quite a few before that one seemed to work for me.

I really appreciate your support.

Terrie Farley Moran said...

Hi Patti,

Thanks for letting us know about Charles' new book.


Paul D Brazill said...

Looks good!