The entire list of forgotten books is here.
I am pretty much going to post one review a week on my blog in the future along with the links to other blogs.
Finding new people to do reviews has gotten too difficult.
If you know someone who hasn't done one, send them my way. It doesn't have to be a writer. A reader, a librarian, a bookstore owner-- anyone who has a passion for a book is welcome to write one. Thanks.
The Summing Up, Friday, July 3, 2009
Paul Bishop, Joss, David Fulmer
Michael Carlson, Outside Man, Richard North Patterson
Bill Crider, Pagoda, James Atlee Phillips
Betsy Dornsbusch, Feed, MT Anderson
Chad Eagleton, The Red Right Hand, Joel Townsley Rogers
Martin Edwards, Excellent Intentions, Richard Hull
Nate Flexer, The Criminal, Jim Thompson
Cullen Gallagher, Fires That Destroy, Harry Whittington
Ed Gorman, A Fistful of Empty, Benjamin M Schutz
Charles Gramlich, Five-Yard Fuller, Bob Wells
Randy Johnson, The Defenders, Edward S. Aarons
George Kelley, The Chinese Gold Murders, Robert Van Gulik
B.V. Lawson, Detective Fiction, Charles J. Rzepka
Todd Mason, Gummitch and Friends, Fritz Lieber
Terrie F. Moran, Red Lobster, White Trash and Blue Lagoon, Joe Queenan
Scott Parker, The Adams-Jefferson Letters, edited by Lester J. Cappon
Eric Peterson, Trace, Warren Murphy
Mary Saums, Deadly Duo, Margery Allingham
Kieran Shea, Panama, Thomas McGuane
Kerrie Smith, The Chalk Pit Murders, Edgar Lustgarten
Very impressive list, Patti! Congratulations! I'm serious: there's a book in this. (Probably as a Kindle upload or a PoD book.)
Good set of books. A passion for books! That's me. Too much passion perhaps. Its pretty filling in my life right now.
Boy, I got to find this book!
I don't know why they would be, but maybe are intimidated about contributing?
This is essentially my fault for using up the available pool by posting too many reviews each week. I should have followed Jeff's lead and done on on my blog and a list of links each week.
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