Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday, Monday

Started this book by Jeremy Cooper where nature stands in for film as a balm. Also just ordered HAMMERSTEIN AND THE INVENTION OF THE AMERICAN MUSICAL. Since he lived down the road from my husband's hometown I have long meant to read more about him. After watching SIX BY SONDHEIM I was reminded of it.

Watching the TV show INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE (Netflix), which is so well written despite the gore. Also watching THE LINCOLN LAWYER (NETFLIX), MY BRILLIANT FRIEND, (MAX) SHRINKING (Apple) and a lot of docs. Why make a doc when you aren't able to use more than a line or two of music (Joni Mitchell, LADY BLUE) ?

Saw WE LIVE IN TIME, which I didn't care for despite two good performances.Do people really want to see a movie that is almost entirely about dying from cancer? From the very first scenes? I should have read the reviews more carefully.

Going to see STRANGERS ON A TRAIN with Josh and family (play). On Tuesday, I fly to DC and a friend and I are going to New Hope, where we were waitresses in 1964. And where I met Phil in 1965.

Be back in a week. Will put up a Monday post for you guys to communicate on. 

Hope next we meet, we have the first Black female President.


Jerry House said...

I voted. (Yay!) Since voting in America is a private affair, I will not mention whether I voted for the one hope we have for democracy and the Constitution to prevail or for the orange-skinned, senile, Fascist, felon, rapist. pedophile, lying, narcissistic, low I.Q., golf cheating moron with no business sense and his cat lady hating cohort. How I vote is nobody's business but my own.

Although we'll be heading out to Albuquerque over Thanksgiving to join Mark up with his furniture and with Kimchi, Lucy, and Bumblebee -- his three snakes, Mark evidently got lonely for ophidian company, so he got himself another snake -- a Vietnamese Blue Beauty snake. Now he needs to name it. Amy suggested Fangis Khan or David Hissehoff. also on the snake front, Mark's zoo just got a King Cobra to replace the one who died shortly before Mark arrived. Mark is very happy about it. Also, the zoo held its ond-day onlu Boo at the Zoo this Saturday and got 10,063 visitors; In comparions, the zoo here holds its Boo at the Zoo over three weekends and last year got just abit over 2000 visitors.

In other animal news, Erin's hedgehog Pine cone turned three years of on Friday. and Newcat still is avoiding me, although she loves to cuddle with everyone else. (**sigh**)

Christina has asked for thought and prayers for the third grade teachers and staff this Halloween week. Evidently the lead-up to Halloween is just as hard on the third graders as the sugar rush they'll have on November 1. Also this week is pumpkin carving time and I'm not sure what to carve. (With Florida heat and humidity, pumpkins only last a few days after they are carved.) Also this week marks my natal anniversary. In my mind, I'm twenty-five years younger than my age; in my body, I'm twenty-five years older. Go figure.

To be continued.

Jerry House said...

Crafting this Saturday was embroidery, something I have never done before and something I never want to do again. I embroidered (with shedding blood, I might add) the sign language symbol for "I love you" -- which is also my only tattoo, one got in honor of Kitty because that was her one and only tattoo. It didn't come out too bad. Jessie did and elephant (with it's trunk raised, of course). Try embroidered three cute little dinosaurs. Christina did a golden Retriever. Erin and Amy each knocked it out of the park with their mad skills. Erin did a hedgehog tableau with flowers and mushrooms, and Amy did a beautiful, intricate moth design on the sleeve of her sweatshirt. Because Amy's an overachiever she did not finish, spending over three hours stitching with black thread; she has much more to do with more black, and yellow and white thread.

A warm day Sunday at the beach, with a gentle breeze and few people (well, it is the last week in October). A group of at least five rays kept swimming back and forth about two feet from the shore. Magnificent. (These were just ol' ordinary rays; if they were manta rays or stingrays, they'd be called a "fever" of rays.)

Television included the usual, including AGATHA ALL ALONG, which everybody keeps raving about and for which I have no affinity whatever. Oh, well.

Books read this week include to Miss Pickerells: MISS PICKERELL AND THE WAR OF THE COMPUTERS and MISS PICKERELL AND THE BLUE WHALES. Miss Pickerell is ever middle-aged, old-fashioned, persnickity, loyal, and brave. she is fierce when it comes to doing what is right. We need a few more Miss Pickerells in this world. I also read Lee Child's collection SAFE ENOUGH AND OTHER STORIES, John Farris's strange thriller SOON SHE WILL BE GONE (my FFB), J. A. Konrath's thriller THE LIST, and Richard Osman's latest, WE SOLVE MURDERS. Coming up is the third "Doc Savage" novel from James Patterson and Brian Sitts, MURDER ISLAND, because every so often you have to read a book that you can gripe about. (If you're interested in Doc Savage, you're better off reading the newer novels by Will Murray.) Also coming up, maybe this weekend, is the annual Pensacola Greek Festival , with much wonderful food.

I really think you should go trick or treating, Patti. Have a great weekend and stay safe.

Margot Kinberg said...

That book about Hammerstein sounds really interesting, Patti! I hope you enjoy Strangers....

Diane Kelley said...

We returned from our Ohio trip just in time to watch the Buffalo Bills beat the Seattle Seahawks 31-10 after we saw HAMILTON at Shea's Performing Arts Center. We had frost on our lawn last night but our weather-guessers claim Western NY will approach 80 degrees on Tuesday! Rain is forecast for Halloween.

Patrick spent last week in Singapore and now he's relaxing in Bali. Katie booked our Broadway plays for our Thanksgiving trip. Diane is doing trip laundry and I'm going through the stack of mail, newspapers, magazines, and AMAZON packages that arrived while we were in Ohio.

Have fun in DC! Stay safe! Go Kamala!