Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Short Story Wednesday; AUTOBAHN, Hugo Hamilton



What a great short story. It takes place in the seventies and the protagonist is thumbing a ride on the Autobahn. He's a young hippy musician and a cop spots him and thinks he might be one of a terrorist group who's killing cops. At gunpoint, he takes him farther into the woods. The cop reminds our hero of his father, also cruel and violent, and he remembers the story of how his father bought him the very mouth organ he still plays and is carrying in his pocket. He is also carrying a Teddy Bear for his infant daughter. This is the kind of story, I can stop after every sentence and think about-both the writing, the sense of place, the character, the plot.  Hamilton has written a memoir, which I will look for. I know that the father in this story will dominate it, as too his German mother. How have I never heard this name before?

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