Friday, July 26, 2024


This was a most enjoyable book that I listened to rather than read. The narrator did a good job although his reading was a bit too formal for my taste. It is the story of a recent widower who owns a book store on an island and is fast becoming the town misanthrope. And then a baby is left on his doorstep and the little girl quickly changes him, allowing him to live a much fuller life. The romance in the book, which occupies a large space early on, is given short shrift once they are together. Which I guess explains why so many TV shows keep their central love interest separated for so long. But all of the characters are nicely developed. I especially enjoyed A. J.s best friend, the local police chief.


Margot Kinberg said...

I love the idea of a bookshop as a setting, Patti. Glad you enjoyed this.

Jeff Meyerson said...

I read it. Good one.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Yes, my favorite is 84 Charing Cross Road, Margot.

Todd Mason said...

When might it be set, that he becomes the adoptive parent of the infant without a lot of fairly necessary bureaucratic involvement?

pattinase (abbott) said...

You do really have to overlook that! Because the mother left a note with the baby saying she wanted him to adopt her would not be enough in most places. Just in a semi-fantasy world.

TracyK said...

I am glad you enjoyed this, Patti. I agree with you that the policeman is a great character. Also with your comment above that it is a semi-fantasy world.

Diane Kelley said...

Diane and her Book Club read THE STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY and loved it. I ended up reading it, too: