Friday, January 19, 2024



Normal People is the story of two teenagers, who fall in and out of love through the last years of high school and the first year of college. Connell's mother is a housekeeper for Marianne's family so there is a class difference. In high school, Connell is popular and Marianne, a loner. This changes over the years. Both are very smart and their relationship is sophisticated for their years. It is also about intellectual and political discussions and not just a sexual attraction. Both of them have periods teetering on mental illness. We root for them to find a way to be together and successful in their studies and happy in their friendships. The writing is beautiful and it's always fun to spend time in Ireland. There is also an excellent TV series based on this book on Hulu, I believe.


Margot Kinberg said...

What an interesting way to do a coming-of-age story, Patti! And these two sound like interesting characters.

Todd Mason said...

That does sound good...did the series put you onto it?

The late Randy Johnson had a "hidden" FFB a decade ago I've just "discovered":

see comments/reader reviews here:

or here:

Diane Kelley said...

I'm a sucker for Irish stories. I prefer the funny ones to the overwhelmingly sad ones.