Friday, February 17, 2023

FFB; THE SOLOIST, Mark Salzman


Renee Sundheimer was a cello prodigy who lost his gift at age eighteen. Now he teaches at an university, a man broken by his childhood. A Japanese child comes to him for private lessons and at the same time he is chosen to serve on the jury in a murder trial where a man, possible insane, has killed his zen buddha master. The cat on the cover doesn't make an appearance until the last chapter so readers lured by the idea the cat will figure heavily into the story may be disappointed. But I really enjoyed this book. Written more than twenty years ago now, it is slower and quieter than most novels. I have read one other book by Salzman, LYING AWAKE, about a nun. Also a terrific story. The jury politics play out heavily in this novel. Salzman had written several memoirs about his travels in China, kung fu, and Zen Buddhism. 

Salzman is such a likeable writer. That doesn't always come though but in his case, it does.


Margot Kinberg said...

Oh, this sounds like a good 'un, Patti. I like the mix of plot and the exploration of character. Mix in that music element and you've got my attention!

Todd Mason said...

Thanks! I have been unaware of Salzman, though the name buzzes the faintest of bells. With at least two novels out, that latter isn't Too surprising. One of those that sits "between" contemporary mimetic and crime fiction, I gather.

TracyK said...

I am glad you reviewed this, Patti. When you mentioned it in an earlier post, I wondered what it was about. It sounds very good. I would also like to find Lying Awake, about the nun.