Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Short Story Wednesday

 Kevin Tipple

Jerry House


George Kelley


Jeff Meyerson said...

Last week you reviewed a book and author I'd never heard of, who had a fascinating back story - Mary Ladd Gavell, I CANNOT TELL A LIE, EXACTLY. Surprisingly, my library had a Kindle edition available so I downloaded it and it really is worth reading. I am halfway through, up to the title story.

The other collection I am reading is more dated and more problematical, though still interesting if uneven. This is THE CITY OF REFUGE by Harlem doctor Rudolph Fisher, best known for his THE CONJURE-MAN DIES (which I will be reading soon). People can't help but comment about all the white people moving into Harlem these days, but these stories - written from 1925-35 - havw some similar aspects. He cerrtainly dealt with the black-white dynamic of the time, though most of his characters are black. CONJURE-MAN was published in 1932.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I remember when Bill Clinton rented an office in Harlem how surprised people were. Glad you are enjoying Gavell.

Rick Libott said...

Three nights ago I started reading THE CONJURE-MAN DIED. I'm savoring the elegance of the descriptive passages. He was a terrific writer,